Summary of Common Reports and Downloads

Common Reports and Downloads provide access to data across all events and modules. This article summarizes the reports and available data at your finger-tips.

The Reports section of your raisin account provides access to a wealth of information about your events and event constituents on raisin. Common Reports & Downloads give you the ability to analyze constituents, gifts and transactions across your modules.

Common Reports

Common Reports generate as Crystal Report and can be downloaded to Excel, PDF, Word, RichText, CSV and XML.

Transactions Report

This report will provide a full list of all transactions - successful, declined, confirmed, unconfirmed or pending - for a selected event. You may customize the report by assigning a certain User Type, selecting Status of Payment, method of Payment, Item Type or searching for transactions within a designated time frame. Best used for determining total transaction volume and troubleshooting failed gifts.

Daily Revenue Report

The report is based used to track the number of purchases, and donations per day, the dollar amount generated per purchase type, and the daily revenue growth.

Events Revenue Report

Use this report for a quick breakdown of revenue for a single, or multiple events at once. The report will share the total number of purchases per item type, as well as the total $ amount raised in real time.

Surveys Report

Generates all survey answers per event basis and can be filtered by question.

Volunteers Report

All constituents registered through the volunteer for. Best used to find basic volunteer information.

Item Report

This report will generate the Items available for purchase (including Donation Types), and display the quantity sold, quantity available, and the total amount raised per item type.

Common Downloads

Common Downloads will generate in a .CSV format, and contain a more detailed breakdown of user and gift details.

Event Purchasers & Items Download

A detailed report of all items purchased (including $0.00) per event basis. Report will also display full profile information of the user and gift.

Multiple Events Purchases & Items Download

A detailed download of all items purchased for multiple events across multiple events when funds are transacted. Report will also display full profile information of the buyer/donor, including a time-stamp and receipt details. Note: While all other reports generate in real-time, there is a 24-hour delay on information in this Report, and data restriction of 6-months.

Multiple Events Purchases Summary Download

A detailed download of all items purchased for multiple events across multiple events for successful online, offline confirmed and invoiced transactions. The Download will also display full profile information of the buyer/donor, including a time-stamp and receipt details. Note: This report has a data restriction of 36-months.

Recurring Donors Download

The download contains all contact and gift information related to recurring donors whose first contribution was in the last 14 months. The file can also be generated for one or multiple events where recurring donations have been made during this time period.

Volunteers & Surveys Download

A detailed report of all constituents registered via the event, including responses to survey questions.

Manage Tax Receipts

Generates a report of all receipts issued within an event. Use this receipt to view a list of e-Tax receipts, access your receipts individually and/or reissue/cancel them.