Creating and managing administrator user accounts and groups.

A key feature of the raisin system is the Security Management section of General Setup. Security Management that empowers your organization to actively manage new and existing employees, with the ability to create individual administrator User accounts for staff, set up Groups with defined system rights or group events, and assign roles and permissions to your users.

Admin Users / Groups

From the Admin Users/Groups section, you can manage all aspects of administrators and groups on your account, including:

  • Search
  • View
  • Create
  • Edit
  • Delete


Searching for Administrators

Narrow the users displayed by using the Search Administrator Users. In the name field, input the person’s first name, last name, username or the group name to search for particular Admin Users or User Groups. The search will pick up the results for the full word or any portion of the word.

Always search for a user before creating a new one to make sure the user doesn’t already exist in the system.

Viewing Administrator Permissions

Clicking View will show the permissions for an Admin User or User Group, including Event ID, Event Name and permissions for each event that the user has rights to. It will also indicate if the user has permissions for the event as part of a User Group.

Creating an Administrator User Account

Click "Create User" to establish a unique user account for internal staff who require access to raisin and input the following:
  • User's First Name
  • Last Name
  • E-mail Address
  • Unique Username to log into the platform (6-20 characters)
    Username's must be unique across the entire raisin platform, so it possible an account has been already taken by another user.
  • User's Password to log into the platform. All passwords must be 8-20 characters in length, and include a mix of uppercase, lowercase, numbers and symbols. 
  • Confirm the Password
  • Identify the User's Account Type: Basic Admins, Executive Admins or System Administrator

There are 3 Account Types, with hierarchical permission levels:

  1. System Admin
    • Has access to all tabs and all functions within the tabs
    • This is the only account type that has access to Security and Payment Accounts in the General Setup tab
    • Has full access to all events including any future event created by any administrator
  2. Executive Admin
    • Has access to all tabs
    • On the General Setup tab, does not have access to Security or Payment Accounts
    • Has full access to all events including any future event created by any administrator
  3. Basic Admin
    • Has no access to the General Setup area of raisin (menu item General Setup will not be clickable)
    • Permissions will be assigned per event or event group by System Administrators
  •  Authenticate yourself with your personal password
  • Click Save

Logging In

After the account is created, users can log in from the raisin Admin Homepage with their username and password. They will have access only to your account, and the role-based permissions you've assigned.

raisin enforces two-factor authentication for all administrators. Two-factor authentication is an ideal way to ensure that your account and account data is secure, as it verifies a user logging into your raisin account with both a unique password and another device directly associated with them.

All administrators will be required to authenticate their identity for every device and web browser they use to access raisin. As verification, a Verification Code will be sent to the email address associated with the administrator's username and to log in, the user must successfully enter the code they receive.


A new access code is generated the first time an administrator attempts to log in from a new device and/or a new browser.

If you are not receiving the Verification Code: Be sure to check your Spam/Junk inbox. To improve delivery, we suggest whitelisting the two addresses the Verification Code is sent from: and

Security Best Practices

While we encourage every organization to develop its own strong own security protocols and adhere to them across their internal systems, here's a few best practices to consider with your raisin logins:

  • Do not used a shared username and/or password among team members.
  • Set up unique username and emails for each individual at the organization who will require access to your account.
  • Do not share your username and/or password with other individuals.
  • Choose a unique and strong password that would not be easily guessed and includes a combination of cases, symbols, numbers.
  • Regularly change your password.
  • Regularly review the existing users on your raisin organization account and delete users that are no longer valid, no longer on your team or no longer at the organization.
  • Ensure that as part of any employee termination policy you have at your organization the process includes deleting employee administrative user account upon an employee leaving the organization.