Duplicate removal with DonorPerfect.

Contacts with the same First Name, Last Name, E-mail and/or ZIP Code as a historical record in DonorPerfect will go through automatic matching steps to reduce duplicates in DPO.

Constituents who donate, register or volunteer are automatically synced into DonorPerfect. When this occurs, real-time record matching will take place on the following criteria, and in this order:

  • Step 1: If the user already is found in DPO with a matching raisin User ID (such as a Returning Participant or Recurring Donor)
  • Step 2: If the user is a Donor and there is only one (1) contact record with the same email, ZIP Code/Postal Code (first 5 characters for US/first 3 characters for Canada) and Last Name, then the record is matched to the most recent record with the same Last Name.
  • Step 3: If multiple contacts still meet the above criteria, then the record will combine with a contact that also bears the same First Name. 

When matching on First Name, the integration looks only at the first 3-characters of the First Name in DPO to reduce duplicates for abbreviated first names, such as:

  • "Barb" and "Barbara"
  • "Steve & Megan" and "Steve"
  • "Arthur" and "Artie"

Matching Companies:

If the User is a Company Representative, a match will be tried where Organization Name + ZIP /Postal Code (first 3-characters) are the same.

If a match on the above fields is found in your DonorPerfect database, the duplicate Constituent’s gift and raisin event information will be appended to the Gift and Other Info tabs respectively in DonorPerfect. 

The existing contact record in DPO is not modified, except when ZIP Code/Postal Code Only differs from the historical record. If this has changed, the Address will be updated to reflect the latest information and the previous address is moved to the Address tab.

Updating Records

If a constituent record already exists and matching Postal Code / ZIP Code, then we update Email and Phone for Constituent and append new gift and new event info. This is a common scenario when for returning participants join an event or when performing updates in raisin for records previously exported.

If there is a match in DPO, but the Postal/ZIP is not the same, then the Integration updates Address 1, Address 2, City, Province, Country, Email, Phone, Narrative, and appends the new gift and new event (in Other Info).

For this reason, to save time, we recommend that you complete any data cleansing in raisin and let raisin do the heavy-lifting by merging back to DPO.

If the Integration updates a Contact's address, we'll move the previous address to the Addresses tab in DPO of the record.

Duplicate Removal in DPO

For more extensive de-duping, your database administrator should utilize the DonorPerfect Duplicate Removal functionality on a regular basis as all other raisin records are imported as new constituents during the initial import. Any updated raisin records will be matched on the raisin Constituent ID, and the existing raisin record in DonorPerfect will be updated. The raisin Constituent ID is maintained for each event as you merge records so it will inherit the new merged record and continue to update that record in DPO.


Please note: When a donation is made directly to a team, the raisin system creates a constituent with the First Name and Last Name of “Team Participant” (Team Name is identified in the “Other Info” tab. DO NOT de-dupe records with the name “Team Participant” as this will prevent future gifts dedicated to the team from importing.