1. Help Centre
  2. Message Templates

What are merge fields in Message Templates?

Merge fields populate personalized user or dynamic event content in your emails. Reference our cheat sheet herein for best use across your events.

Message Templates allow you to you compose and edit e-mail messages sent out to constituents participating or giving to your events on raisin, and can be customized on an account or event-by-event basis.

Message Templates can include Merge Fields which will populate with personalized or dynamically-generated content from your event or event constituents. Merge fields are a great opportunity to personalize your stewardship and minimize administrative overhead – especially if you copy events year-to-year.

In each of your Message Templates, there is a drop-down on the right hand-side of the toolbar that contains a list of possible merge fields. Depending of the module and the message templates, this list varies. 

We recommend not copying a merge field from a message to another. As merge fields are contextual, the copied merge field might not exist in the template, and won't be displayed.

Preview / Test a Message Template

Before you launch, we recommend previewing and/or sending yourself a test. Click "Preview" to view the message.

When merge fields are working and active, they will appear in dark red (dynamic text) or with a sample of the link:


Cheat Sheet of Merge Fields

Which merge fields work where? Here's the full list of all the merge fields used in our modules:

Merge Field Description Example Modules
Billing User Custom Field 
Billing User E-Mail
Billing User First Name
Billing User Last Name
Billing User Title
  Personalized communication in the "Invoice" message Ticketing
Captain E-Mail
Captain First Name
Captain Last Name
Captain Organization Name
Captain Organization Or Captain Full Name
Captain Title
  Personalized communication in the "Individual Joins a Team" message Pledge/Multi-Pledge
Contact E-Mail
Contact First Name
Contact Last Donation Amount
Contact Last Donation Date
Contact Last Name
Contact Total Donation
Details related to Contacts uploaded by Peer-to-Peer participants in their Participant Centre.  Sample copy for a participant Pledge/Multi-Pledge
Custom Letter Custom copy located in Scheduled Messages (e.g. E-mail Participants/Volunteers/Users).  Create a templated header and footer in the Message Template, and modify just the message over the course of a campaign from E-mail Participants/Volunteers/Users. Ticketing, Pledge/Multi-Pledge
Donation Amount
Donation Date
  Reference details for donor Donations, Ticketing, Pledge/Multi-Pledge
Donation End Date
Donation Start Date
Timeline to give for the campaign. This is set up in Event Details. Reminder when it's possible to give Donations, Ticketing, 
Donation Frequency Identifies if it is a Monthly or Annual recurring donation Reference details for donor Donations
Donor Custom Field  Custom Fields 1-5 in the User Profile Fields to collect additional information about a donor Reflect back important donation details you might be collecting in Custom Fields Donations, Ticketing,
Donor E-Mail
Donor First Name
Donor Last Name
Donor Title
  Personalized communication to donors Donations, Ticketing, Pledge/Multi-Pledge
Donor Full Name   Personalized communication to donors Donations
eCard Displays eCard image selected and text written Card recipient can view a responsive eCard in email Donations
First Repeating Donation Date Defines when the recurring donations are processed Inform the donor when their first donation will be processed  Donations
Fund Name

Identifies to which fund the money goes

Inform the donor where their donation will be allocated Donations, Ticketing, Pledge/Multi-Pledge
Group Address City
Group Address Country
Group Address Line 1
Group Address Line 2
Group Address Postal Code
Group Address Province
Group Description
Group End Date
Group Event Start Date
Group Fund
Group Fundraising Goal
Group Name
Group Registration End Date
Group URL

Specific to Multi-Pledge, and display the Group/Details set up in Manage Groups.

Provide contextual details specific to participants or donors who contribute in that Group. For instance, in a multi-City event, Group Fundraising Goal provides the fundraising goal just at that city instead of the overall campaign. Multi-Pledge
In Honour Of Name

Name of the tributee for In Honour gifts

Name of the tributee for In Honour gifts Donations
In Memory Of Name

Name of the tributee for In Honour gifts

Invoice Due Date
Invoice Total Amount


Reminder for invoiced purchaser when and how much to pay Ticketing
Last Location Name

Last Event where a Username has been used

Inform participant when resetting their password Pledge/Multi-Pledge
Link - Donate Now
Link - Donation Home

Drives to the event homepage or donation options page

Share your campaign with a formatted link and drive users directly the donation form Donations
Link - Event Home


Share your website home page with a formatted link Ticketing, Pledge/Multi-Pledge
Link - Event Registration


Invite new users to register directly with a formatted link Ticketing, Pledge/Multi-Pledge
Link - Join Team

Drives to the registration page

Invite new users or individual fundraisers to join a team and skip the registration page Pledge/Multi-Pledge
Link - Login Page


Link - Manage Attendees

Drives to the Login page

Quick link for purchasers to login and add/update their guest list of attendees Ticketing
Link - Participant Home

Drives to the participant's page

Quick link for participants or their contacts to view their personal page Pledge/Multi-Pledge
Link (Plain) - Event Home,
Link (Plain) - Participant Home, Link (Plain) - Team Home

Drives to event pages with an unformatted link that shows the full page URL

Link - Sponsor a Participant

Drives to the Search to Donate page

Link - Sponsorship Opportunities

Drives to the Sponsorship Items page

Link - Team Home

Drives to the team page

Link - Volunteer Registration




Location Address Line 
Location City
Location End Date
Location Fundraising Goal

Info about the event gathered in Location Details. This set of merge field cannot be used in Multi-Pledge events.

Useful reminder regarding event details.

Donations, Ticketing, Pledge

Location Min Tax Receiptable Amount

Set up in Event details

Informs donor of  the minimum amount to receive a tax receipt in their "Thank You" email.

Donations, Ticketing, Pledge

Location Name

Only for Pledge! Set up in Location Details, and displays the event's subtitle.


Donations, Ticketing, Pledge

Location Start Date

This merge field cannot be used in Multi-Pledge events.

Reminder for users

Donations, Ticketing, Pledge/Multi-Pledge

MP Event Address Line, 
MP Event City,
MP Event End Date,
MP Event Fundraising Goal,
MP Event Min Tax Receiptable Amount

Specific to Multi-Pledge, and shows info entered in Event Details.



MP Event Name

Specific to Multi-Pledge and shows the Event Name set in Event Details.



MP Event Start Date

Specific to Multi-Pledge and shows the Event Start Date in Event Details.



My E-Mail,
My First Name,
My Full Name,
My Fundraising Goal,
My Last Name,
My Title,
My Total Raised

Details about a Participant and unique to Participant Centre Fundraising Emails.

Sample content for the participants sending emails through the Participant Centre.


My Team Goal,
My Team Name,
My Team Raised

Details about a Participant and unique to Participant Centre Fundraising Emails.

Sample content for the team members sending emails through the Participant Centre.


Organization Name

Donor/Participant's Organization Name


Donations, Pledge/Muti-Pledge, Ticketing

Participant Custom Field

Participant responses to Custom Fields 1-4.



Participant E-mail,
Participant FirstName,
Participant FundraisingGoal,
Participant LastName,
Participant Title

Participant information



Participant Organization Name, Participant Organization Or Participant Full Name

Displays the name of the organization or the full name of the Participant, if no organization completed.

Instead of using two different merge fields (i.e. Participant Name and Organization name), this one populates one.


Participant Total Raised

Amount raised by the Participant (registration fees not included)



Participant Username

Appears in Username Request emails.



Purchase Details

Summary table of purchased items in a transaction. Includes the item name, price, quantity and total.

Include in "Thank You" emails as a purchase receipt.

Donations, Ticketing, Pledge/Multi-Pledge

Purchase Order Number

Dynamic invoice number.

Inform the purchaser/billing contact. Useful for a follow-up.


Purchaser Custom Field 1
Purchaser E-Mail
Purchaser First Name
Purchaser Last Name
Purchaser Title
Purchaser City
Purchaser Country
Purchaser Postal Code
Purchaser Region


Personalize the email sent to purchasers.

Ticketing, Pledge/Multi-Pledge

Receipt Details

Summary table of receipted items.


Donations, Ticketing, Pledge/Multi-Pledge

Recipient First Name
Recipient Last Name

The recipient of an eCard or Printed Card or when sending an invite to Join The Event. 


Donations, Pledge/Multi-Pledge

Recipient E-mail
Recipient Full Name

Recipient of the eCard or Printed Card.

Personalized the email sent to card recipients.


Team Captain Registration Item




Team Goal
Team Name
Team Raised




Total Annual Gifts

Sum of all the recurring donations made during the calendar year. For recurring donors that receive a consolidate annual tax receipt only.

Include in the Tax Receipt for Recurring Donors as a summary.


Total Annual Receipt

Total receipted gifts during the calendar year. For recurring donors that receive a consolidate annual tax receipt only.

Include in the Tax Receipt for Recurring Donors as a summary.


Total Gift

Total donation amount.


Donations, Ticketing, Pledge/Multi-Pledge

Total Receipt

Total amount of gift that is receiptable.


Donations, Ticketing, Pledge/Multi-Pledge

Transaction Code

Unique number per transaction (i.e. their order number)

Record purchase for the donor, and useful for reconciliation.

Donations, Ticketing, Pledge/Multi-Pledge

Tributee Name

Specific to In Honour and In Memory donation only.

Inform the recipient/donor who the donation has been made in tribute of.


User Custom Field 
User E-mail
User First Name
User Last Name
User Title

Appears in Tax Receipt emails.

Personalized communication with receipted donors.

Donations, Ticketing, Pledge/Multi-Pledge

Volunteer Custom Field 
Volunteer E-mail
Volunteer First Name
Volunteer Last Name
Volunteer Organization Name
Volunteer Organization Or Volunteer Full Name
Volunteer Title
  Personalized communication to Volunteers.

Ticketing, Pledge/Multi-Pledge