Printed tribute cards enhance the giving experience by allowing donors to mark important life moments by having your organization send a card to a person of their choice. You can create your own card templates in Manage Printed Cards.
The Donations module gives donors the ability commemorate important life moments by choosing to have a personalized card sent, by post, on behalf of your organization. If you choose to use the printed card functionality, admins at your organization are responsible for providing the physical cards and posting them to the recipient address provided by your donor.
Printed are available for the Donations Module
Printed card templates can be created and edited from the Manage Printed Cards sections of the General Setup tab.
To create a new Printed Card:
- Click the "Create New Printed Card Template" button at the bottom of the screen
- Select the Tribute Type and Language that your card will apply to. Cards are created separately for each tribute type and language. This allows you to create different cards for In Memory donations and In Honour Donations
- Choose a Name for your card. This will display in Reports and as an "alt" tag on the front-end site for accessibility.
Add a Thumbnail image of the physical card you have in stock. This image gets displayed on the donation form when the donor is choosing their card.
The system automatically resizes uploaded images to 120 x 90 px thumbnails. It is recommended that uploaded images have a 4:3 width to height ratio in order to have distortion-free thumbnails.
Note: If an image does not have a 4:3 ratio, the system will compress it and may result in some cropping.
- Add a full size image of the card that you have in stock. This will show up as the card preview on front end.
You may customize the Printed Card preview to your liking. The Printed Card Preview is designed to provide donors with a sample of the card design and its interior. In contrast to eCards, the content is static and based on the image you upload.
When a donor opts to preview, the popup window resizes itself to the browser window.
Check out our webinar, that further reviews how to create and manage Printed Cards here.
Once your printed card is created, you can add it to your campaign to make it available for your donors
To create a new Printed Card:
- On the event record, click on "Printed Cards" under Card Management and begin by selecting the tribute type and language that your card applies to
- Select the card from the Available Printed Card Templates and click Add to Selected Template. The card will be moved up to the Selected Printed Cards Templates list.
- You can control the order that the templates show to donors on your donation form by clicking Move Up and Move Down in the Action column
To remove a card from a campaign:
You can remove a card from a campaign and it will no longer be available for donors to select on the donation form, but remains available to administrators if you want to use it again in future. To remove a card, select it from the Selected Printed Cards Templates list and click Remove from Selected Template