How do I create an eCard?

eCards enhance the giving experience by allowing donors to commemorate important life moments by sending personalized cards on behalf of your organization. Create your own card templates in Manage eCards.

eCards enhance the giving experience by allowing donors to commemorate important life moments by sending personalized cards on behalf of your organization.

Donations Module

An eCard template can be created or edited from the Manage eCards sections of General Setup and you Donations events.

To create a new template:

  1. Use the Tribute Type and Language dropdown lists to display a particular list of eCards Messages available and to add to or edit that list. Be sure you're updating eCards for both Tribute Types and Languages (if applicable).
  2. Click the “Add New eCard Template” button below your list of cards.

    Select or create an ecard
  3. Choose a Name for your eCard. This will display in Reports and as an "alt" tag on the front-end site for accessibility.
  4. Add an Image. This will be the main image associated with the eCard when sent to a recipient, and will also scale down to produce the thumbnail donors select from on the front-end site. We recommend that the image be in some way associated with your Card Name. Uploaded image dimensions should be equal to 600 pixels by 400 pixels, and in .JPG, .PNG or .GIF formats.
  5. Compose a templated message associated with the card. When a donor selects the eCard, your templated message will be attached to the card. The donor, however, is always able to adjust or modify your suggestion with their own personal message.
  6. Add a Logo image. The image will appear in the footer of the card, below the donor's custom message and is an opportunity to increase brand awareness or steward the recipient. The image must be 270 pixels by 270 pixels, and also be in .JPG, .PNG or .GIF formats.

    new ecard

Note: For optimal viewing across devices, Image and Logo dimensions should meet recommended specifications exactly.


Check out our webinar, that further reviews how to create and manage eCards: