How to connect your SafeSave Hosted Payments account in raisin.

raisin is implementing "Hosted Payments" across the platform in order to continue providing top-level security to you and your generous supporters.

With this change, payment fields (Card Number, Card Name, Expiry and CVV) will continue to be rendered, or "embedded," within your raisin events, but will now be physically hosted by your payment gateway provider, SafeSave. Ultimately, the Payment Account your organization uses, where funds are deposited from does not change, but how it’s implemented does.

Your organization will be required to complete this transition by October 31st, 2023. After this date, we will be sunsetting the current payment form.

To transition, there are four simple steps your organization will want to take, and that your Client Experience Manager is happy to support with:

  1. Create & copy your Tokenization Key in your SafeSave account. 
  2. Copy your existing SafeSave account credentials in raisin.
  3. Re-add your SafeSave account in raisin with the “SafeSave - Hosted” account type.
  4. Switch the Payment Gateway of live Events in raisin.

For campaigns with recurring donations, additional support will be required from our technical team to switch Payment Accounts. You can contact your Client Experience Manager, after successfully switching your first event to the new Payment Gateway Account, who will initiate this process for you.

Create your Tokenization Key in your SafeSave account

Please follow the steps outlined below to create your Tokenization Key in your SafeSave account:

  • Login to your SafeSave account.
  • On the Home page, click on "Security Keys", under the "Security Options menu.

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  • Under the "Public Security Keys" area, click the "Add a New Public Key" button.

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  • In the "New Public Key" window, you will need to create a "Key Name" (for internal purposes in your SafeSave account).

    The Key Name can be anything, however, we suggest using the name "Hosted Payments", so you can easily identify this Key is used for your Hosted Payments form.

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  • Select your account username in the  "Username Associated with key" field. This should be the same username that is used for your existing SafeSave account, in raisin.

If you are not sure which username this is, you can login to your raisin account, and navigate to "General Setup", then "Manage Payment Accounts". Click on your Payment Account, to view the username

  • In the "Key Permission" drop down menu, select "Tokenization"
  • Click "Create".
  • Once done, a new key will appear under the "Public Security Keys" area (see screenshot below). Make sure to copy down the code that appears in the "Key" column, beside "Tokenization". It will be required when you re-add your SafeSave account in raisin. 

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Copy your existing SafeSave account credentials in raisin

To copy your existing SafeSave account credentials, your raisin System Administrator can login to your raisin account, and click on "General Setup". From here, select "Manage Payment Accounts" on the left-hand side menu.

Select your existing SafeSave account. From here, you'll want to copy down your Username, Password and Transaction Code Prefix.

Re-add your SafeSave account in raisin with the “SafeSave - Hosted” account type

Using the credentials you just copied and Keys you created, you can re-add your SafeSave account in raisin. This new Payment Account will replace your current Payment Account on raisin. The steps are as follows:

  1. Navigate to Manage Payment Accounts under General Setup.

  2. Click Create New Payment Account.
  3. Establish an Account Name for the new SafeSave Hosted account, that differentiates it from your existing account.
  4. Choose "SafeSave - Hosted" from the drop-down list of Payment Gateways.
  5. Choose the currency of the gateway.
  6. Enter your copied Username and Password. Enter your Tokenization Key.

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  7. Re-add your Transaction Code Prefix. The Transaction Code prefix is public facing, and will be part of the Transaction Code and Order ID reported in raisin and your SafeSave journal respectively. 
  8. Click Add.

The styling of Hosted Payment fields for Credit Card Number, Cardholder Name, Expiration Date and CVV Code comes directly from SafeSave, given that it is hosted on their platform. SafeSave has default styling for these fields. Therefore, once you switch your Payment Account, within your live Events, it will automatically inherit the following look and feel: 

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Please note: raisin cannot make any modifications to the payment form, as this form is hosted directly within SafeSave.

Switch the Payment Gateway of live Events in raisin

With the new SafeSave Hosted account you've created, you'll then want to switch any live Events in raisin using your old SafeSave account to new gateway you've just established.

In order to test your new Payment Gateway Account, we recommend switching one of your live events to it first. Ideally, the event you choose is low-traffic and allows one-time payments only. Make a small transaction, and if this transaction successfully processes, you can be safe in switching your remaining live events to this new Payment Account.

To ensure the credentials you've entered are correct, we recommend a quick test first:

  1. Go to Events, and select one of your low-traffic events, with one-time payments.
  2. If the event is on Multi-Pledge, Donations or Ticketing, go to Event Details, and scroll to Payment Account. If the event is on Pledge, go to Location Details, and scroll to the Payment Account.
  3. Select to name of the Hosted Payments account you re-added,  to make the event live.
  4. Save.
  5. Launch the front-end site and make a small donation.
  6. Regardless of the result, go to Reports > Transactions Report and check the payment status. If it was Failed, then the payment status will indicate the reasons SafeSave declined the payment and may indicate an issue with your account, or that credentials were entered incorrectly. Contact SafeSave and your raisin Client Experience Manager if this occurs.
    1. Log in to your SafeSave account (not in raisin), and check the status of the payment you just submitted.

If the test is successful, follow these steps to switch all of your Live events to the new SafeSave account:

  1. Go to the Events tab.
  2. From the Events list, select the Location Details of the Event.
  3. Scroll to Payment Account under Payment & Fundraising Information.
  4. Select to name of the Hosted Payments account you've created and tested. This will switch the destination of all new payments going forward.
  5. Save.
  6. Repeat for all other Events where your previous SafeSave account was active.

Transferring recurring donations

Recurring donations are submitted via secure tokens that are unique to your payment gateway account. For this reason, you will be unable to switch the Payment Account for Events in raisin where there are ongoing recurring gifts.

Instead, for a seamless transition after you've re-added your SafeSave Hosted account, raisin's technical teams can manually switch the Payment Gateway Account within these Events. 

To initiate this process, please notify your Client Experience Manager as soon as you have successfully established your newly re-added SafeSave Hosted account in raisin. 

When does this transition need to be completed by?

Your organization will be required to complete this transition by October 31st,  2023. After this date, we will be sunsetting the current payment form.

If you have any questions or need any assistance with this transition, please don't hesitate to reach out to your dedicated Client Experience Manager!