How to download purchase transactions for multiple events

To reconcile transactions across multiple events, the Multiple Events Purchases Summary Download will contain all successful online, offline - confirmed and invoiced gifts.

When you're seeking to tally all transactional activity on raisin, such as reconciling an invoices from A.K.A. New Media, the Multiple Events Purchases Summary Download is ideal. This Common Download contains all successful Online, Offline - Confirmed and Invoice transactions, meaning it includes any transaction on your account that has been made by or delivered to your constituents, and that is subject to billing.

To generate the download, follow these easy steps:

  1. Login to your raisin Account.
  2. Navigate to Reports from the top menu.
  3. Among the list of Common Reports and Downloads, select "Multiple Events Purchases Summary Download" in the far-right column.

    Common Reports and Downloads, with an arrow pointing to the Multiple Events Purchases Summary Download.
  4. Set the Status filter to "All (Excl. Test)."
  5. Select all events in the list below.
  6. Define the time series for which you'd like to generate confirmed transactions.
  7. Click Download

Screenshot of Multiple Events Purchases Summary Download with arrow pointing to Status