Summary of Pledge Reports and Downloads

Pledge reports contain data related specific to your peer-to-peer fundraising events. This article summarizes the data at your finger-tips and (some of) their best uses.

The Reports section of your raisin account provides access to a wealth of data about your events on raisin. Under Pledge Reports, you're able to analyze fundraising results, donor information and participant activities specific to your Peer-to-Peer (Pledge or Multi-Pledge) campaigns.

Pledge Reports

Generate as Crystal Report & Exports to Excel, PDF, Word, RichText, CSV and XML. These are "executive level" reports containing high-level information.

Donors Report

Best used for reviewing donor information, and tracking gifts made within an individual event. Associated participant, team and/or event.

Participants (Teams/Event) Report

Used to track a Participant’s contributions, and association with teams. The report will share basic contact information, registration fee, the total amount they have fundraised, as well as their goal. Report can be generated by Registration Date or Donation Date. If the latter is selected, only Participants who have raised money within the time series are generated, with totals raised reflected the time selected.

Teams Report

Used for a full breakdown of the team, their overall contribution, and contributions per team member. Team names also function as links, opening a new tab specific to the team.

Offline Batches Report

Used for tracking the number offline donations made to Participants. The report also displays the Donor’s information.

Pledge Downloads

Generate as .CSV file, and contain more detailed information. If you like data, these are for you!

Participants & Surveys Download

This detailed Participant report will share all information about active or inactive Participants, including their answers to survey questions. Download is generated by Registration Date or Donation Date. If the latter is selected, only Participants who have raised money within the time series are generated, with totals raised reflected the time selected.

Participant Centre Activity Download

Best used for tracking each participant’s contributions, and activity in the system, including the number of emails they have sent, and number of donations they have received. It also shares whether the participant has used Facebook to connect with potential donors, and if they have personalized their fundraising page.

Donors & Surveys Download

Best used to track donor survey answers, donations, and the designation of their gift (Participant or Event).

Multiple Events Promo Code Download

Used to track the number of times a Promo Code has been used within one or several events at once.

Teams Download 

Full team breakdown including Team Goal, Team Captain, Donations received, and Registration Type for all team within a single event, or per location.

Multi Pledge Summary Download

View of fundraising activity on a group-by-group basis. Most commonly used to summarize and compare progress in a Multi-Pledge event.

Available for clients using our Multi-Pledge module only.

Recorded Demo

Find out more about reporting in this 30-minute live demo: