How can I create and use promo codes on my events?

You can create promo codes on a event to offer your supporters discounts on registrations, tickets, sponsorships, and store items

Offer your supporters special discounts on event registration items, tickets, store items and sponsorships with Promo Codes. When a site visitor inputs an eligible code into the Promo Code text box at checkout, the discount they are entitled to is subtracted from the price of the item, updating their total checkout amount.

Promo codes have a variety of creative applications for event managers, such as encouraging early event registration, rewarding dedicated fundraisers, offering discounts to specific groups, and many more.

Creating a Promo Code

To create a Promo Code:

  1. In a Pledge, Multi-Pledge, or Ticketing event, click on Promo Codes, which is found beneath Revenue Management on the left-hand sidebar to access the Promo Codes page.
  2. The Promo Codes menu displays a table listing all of the discount codes created for the event. The Promo Code text box label, as it appears on the front-end, can also be customized from this screen by clicking the Edit Label button.

  3. Click "Add New Code" to create a new promo code or “Edit” to update an existing code.

  4. Enter the discount code you want to use in the Promo Code field. The code must be under 20 characters. If your event is bilingual, the code will be the same for both English and French.

  5. Enter a description for your promo code.

  6. Enter your discount amount in dollars. Discounts can't be percentages.

  7. Set the availability date range during which the promo code can be used. Outside of this date range, the promo code won't work

  8. Lastly, select the items that your promo code will apply to.

Note that there is no way to limit the number of times a promo code can be used. Keep this in mind if you wish to use promo codes to discount the full amount of an item.

There's no limit to the number of codes you can have within an event but purchasers can only use one code at a time. If a purchaser attempts to apply multiple codes to the same item(s), the system will respect the highest amount applied.

Tax Receipts

If a code is applied to a registration, sponsorship, or store item that is tax receiptable, a tax receipt will be generated for the maximum eligible amount of the item. For example, if a Gala ticket purchaser applies a $4,000.00 Promo Code discount to a table priced at $5,000.00 that is partially receiptable for $1,500.00, they will receive a tax receipt for $1,000.00.


For tracking and analytics of Code Activity, we suggest using the Multiple Event Promo Codes Downloads available in the Pledge, and Ticketing Reports sections. These reports generate downloadable .CSV files displaying item sales and discount information across multiple events.

Discount Amount and Promo Code columns are also included on the Event Purchasers & Items Download, Multiple Events Purchasers & Items Download, and Items Report indicating the dollar amount of the discount and the code applied. Transaction amounts will show the post-discount total.

In raisin Analytics, the Purchase Items report dashboard contains a report called Contacts With Purchase Items that you can add a Promo Code column to.