Understanding Analytics data: Fields, values and calculations

Analytics data is presented as fields, metrics and calculations, and can be used as filters in dashboards and reports.

Analytics captures campaign, contact and team fundraising activity that takes place on your front-facing raisin-created Campaigns and in the administrative console of your account.

With this wealth of valuable data at your fingertips, you can use dashboards, reports and filters to track campaign success, answer key fundraising questions and better understand your supporters and their connection to your cause. 

Analytics is currently in Beta, and will roll out to clients more broadly in summer 2024. Contact your Client Experience Manager for more information.

The breadth and depth of data accessible in Analytics is truly extensive. To help you maximize its power, this article describes the data model, record types, datasets that appear in your reports, dashboards and filters. These data points can be leveraged across the core functions to analyze your fundraising activity on raisin.

Looking for a specific field? Use Control+F ("Find") in your browser and search the field name. Your answer awaits below...

Data Model

The data model for raisin is Campaign-based, meaning that all constituents, their transactions (or transactions they receive) and fundraising activity belongs to a campaign. A hierarchy of the model by record type looks like this:

Campaign Types

Campaigns are the raisin "Events" you create and launch using the modules available with your package: Peer-to-Peer (Pledge, Multi-Pledge & DIY), Donations and Ticketing. Each campaign type allows for different types of contacts.

Peer-to-Peer and Ticketing campaigns also allow for sub-campaigns that contacts can be grouped or grouped themselves into, based on your Campaign's settings.


  • Peer-to-Peer Campaign (Event)
  • Multi-Pledge Group (e.g. location, subevent, industry, activity)
  • Team
  • Contact (Participant)
    • Additional Participant - Paid for by another Participant
  • Contact (Donor)


  • Ticketing Campaign
  • Ticketing Group (e.g. table, golf foursome)
  • Attendee


Contacts are your constituents, or what we previously called "Users." Contacts are identified based on how they interact with your cause. All contacts have a unique identifier, called a Contact ID -- sometimes referred to as "User ID" (UID) or "Participant ID" (PID). A single contact may have multiple roles within a Campaign; for example, a Participant may also be a Donor if they have self-donated.

Role Description Applies to
Donor A contact who made a donation to a campaign or to participant/team/group in a campaign.  Peer-to-Peer, Donations, Ticketing
Participant A contact who has registered for and created a fundraising page in a Peer-to-Peer campaign, and is able to receive donations from Donors. Participants have access to their campaign-specific Participant Centre. A participant may be an Individual, Team Captain or Team Member within the Campaign. Peer-to-Peer
Purchaser A contact who has purchased a Ticketing Registration, Sponsorship or Store Item. Think of these contacts as purchasers who would typically receive an advantage (benefit) from their purchase. Peer-to-Peer & Ticketing
Attendee A contact who is attending a Ticketed event. and is eligible to receive a PDF ticket. Attendees are associated with a Purchaser and/or Ticketing Group. Ticketing
Billing Contact A contact who is receiving an Invoice for a purchased Registration, Sponsorship, Store Item or Donation. Billing Contact and Purchaser can be the same. Ticketing
Volunteer A contact who has signed up through a Volunteer form. Peer-to-Peer & Ticketing


A Transaction is the payment made by a contact when they attempt a purchase on one of your Campaigns, or when it is entered by an administrator as an Offline Pledge from the back-end. Transactions may consist of multiple items being purchased at once. More on Purchase Items is in the section below.

For example, when registering for a Peer-to-Peer campaign, a contact may pay a Registration Fee, make a Donation and choose to Cover Admin Fees. All three items combine into a single Transaction, the total of which is securely sent to your payment gateway for processing.

The gateway will returning a response if the payment is Successful or Failed, which is called a Transaction Status. In turn, depending on the Campaign setup, the transaction may be issued a charitable tax receipt.

All transactions have a Transaction Code (or "TxCode") and system-generated Transaction ID ("TxId"). Most transactions will be of a dollar ($) value, unless they've been waived.

Purchase Items

Purchase Items are the ways that your contacts can choose to support you in a given Campaign, like donation types, registration options and store items, and roll up to the transaction. 

In the Classic administrative console, all Purchase Items in a campaign are displayed in the Assign Package Codes menu. For example, here are Purchase Items in a Donations campaign:

Table of purchase items in Assign Package Codes

There are five groups of items, identified as the Item Type Group Name field, in the system:

  • Donation
  • Registration
  • Sponsorship
  • Store

Purchase items are further defined by a system-generated Item Type that classifies them, along with an Item Name that's defined by an administrator and usually public-facing.

When a Purchase Item is transacted it will inherit all codes - Campaign, Fund, Package, Appeal, Solicitation, Sub-solicitation - that are assigned to the item and Campaign the item belongs to. 

A combination of Item Groups, Types, Names or Codes can be used to created segments of items across Campaigns.

Field Types

The objects above are separated into two different types, and either display or calculate information respectively:

  • Categories: Categories are the attributes of your data, and take the form of Text Labels, Dates and some Numeric values. For example, "Sarah Jones" is an "Individual Participant". In addition to describing your data, Categories are ideal in practice for grouping data for segmentation and deeper analysis.
  • Values: Values are quantitive measurements, and normally display Numeric values or a Formula being calculated behind-the-scenes. 

Using Personalization to customize a report with Categories and Values


Datasets are collections of data spanning across your account, logically organized so that you can report on details relevant to specific types of Contacts and Campaigns.

It's helpful to think of a datasets as the building blocks for the reports and charts you see in your account.

In this way, a report pulls from the relevant dataset to fetch the right blocks to build that report; on the other hand, when it comes to more complex dashboards, multiple combine datasets for the perfect result -- just like a large complex skyscraper.

For these reasons, it's important to note that not datasets contain the same data or fields. They contain the materials that are relevant to one another and to the job at hand. Here's what each dataset does (field definitions are below):

Dataset Description Used in
Purchases & Items

Successful or confirmed purchases, who completed the purchase and the item(s) that comprise the purchase. The Purchases & Items dataset is the most data dense and is similar to the Export Flat File (or Constituents & Gifts calls in our API). While deep, it does not include Peer-to-Peer fundraising statistics.

Dashboards: Organization, Peer-to-Peer, Ticketing, Donations
Reports: Multi-Campaign Summary, Individual Group, Multi-Pledge Groups
Transactions All purchases and attempted purchases - including with Failed, Cancelled or Unknown statuses. Dashboards: Ticketing, Donations
Reports: Donors, Individual Participant, Individual Team, Individual Group, Transaction, Recurring Donors
Participants & Volunteers Event-focused data that details all contacts who are participating in an event - be they fundraisers, ticket holders or volunteers - and their fundraising progress, activity and statistics. Dashboards: Peer-to-Peer, Ticketing
System Reports: Participants, Individual Participant, Individual Team, Individual Group
Teams Gathers participants and attendees into the teams that they have joined the campaign with, and reports on the respective teams' success. Dashboards: Peer-to-Peer
System Reports: Individual Team, Individual Group, Teams Report
Surveys Summaries of and individual responses to survey questions, created using the Survey feature. Dashboards: Peer-to-Peer, Ticketing

Field Definitions

The tables below describe what each field in a dataset means. There may be overlap of some fields between datasets. If you're looking for a specific, use Control+F (or "Find") in your browser and type the field name to search for it.

Purchases & Items

Name Type Description
# Admin Fee Formula Count of instances a donor has opted in to cover administrative fees ("Cover Admin Fee")
# Store Items Formula Count of store items purchased.
$ Admin Fee Numeric Dollars in administrative fees covered by donors ("Cover Admin Fee") for the purchased item.
$ Confirmed Donation Numeric Amount of confirmed donations (Online and Offline Confirmed) in dollars received for the item. 
$ Online Donation Numeric Amount in dollars of online donation.
$ Online Donation With Admin Fee Formula Sum of dollars in online donations and administrative fees received for the item. Includes donations where a donor has not opted in to cover fees.
$ RegFee Numeric Amount in dollars of registration fees purchase for the item.
$ Store Numeric Amount in dollars for a purchased store item.
$ Unconfirmed Donation Numeric Amount in dollars of unconfirmed donations assigned to the item.
Active & Matching Group Name Participant ID Formula  
Active & Matching Group Name Team ID Formula  
Active Group ID Formula  
Campaign Code Text Campaign Code defined by an administrator in Campaign Details. Code aligns with your CRM.
Campaign Day End Date Date Day the Campaign ends. End Date is defined in Campaign Details (Event End Date).
Campaign Day Start Date Date Day the Campaign starts. Start Date is defined in Campaign Details (Event Start Date).
Campaign Donation End Date Date Day that donations can no longer be accepted in the Campaign. End Date is defined in Campaign Details (Donation End Date).
Campaign Donation Start Date Date Day that donations can be accepted in the Campaign. End Date is defined in Campaign Details (Donation End Date).
Campaign Fund Code Text Fund Code associated with the Campaign and defined in Campaign Details. Code associates to Fund Name.
Campaign Fund Name Text Fund Name associated with the Campaign and defined in Campaign Details. Name associates to Fund Code.
Campaign Goal Numeric Campaign's fundraising goal.
Campaign ID Text Campaign's unique ID (i.e. Event ID) generated by the system.
Campaign Is Active Formula Identifies if the Campaign has a Start and in the past/present and an End Date in the future, and where Y = Active and N = Inactive.
Campaign Long Name Text Combined Event Name and Location Name.
Campaign Name Text Campaign's Event Name, defined in Campaign Details.
Campaign Payment Gateway Text Name of Payment Gateway assigned to the Campaign, as defined in General Setup.
Campaign Payment Status Text Identifies if payments are being accepted in the Campaign using a Live gateway or Test gateway.
Campaign Site End Date Text Day that the campaign site is no longer public, as defined in Campaign Details. Sites will direct to the customizable Event Unavailable page.
Campaign Site Start Date Text Day that the campaign site is public, as defined in Campaign Details. Sites can be public without the ability to transact.
Campaign Status Text Identifies if campaign is active (public and live) or inactive (no longer public), based on Site Live Dates.
Campaign Type Text Module type (Donations, Pledge, Multi-Pledge or Ticketing).
Campaign AddressLine1 Text Address of the campaign, as defined in the Campaign Details.
Campaign AddressLine2 Text Address of the campaign, as defined in the Campaign Details.
Contact AddressType Text Address type entered by a contact (e.g. Home or Business).
Contact City Text City entered by the contact when completing their address. Mandatory to issue a tax receipt. 
Contact Company Name Text Name of the organization that the Contact entered when competing their form. Company Name is required by Organization Representatives, but can be entered by any Contact.
Contact County Text Name of country entered by the contact when completing their address. Mandatory to issue a tax receipt.
Contact Country Code Text Shortened country code, based on the country entered by the contact (e.g. United States = US, Canada = CA).
Contact Create Date Date Date that the Contact was created in the system.
Contact Custom Field1 Text Response to Custom Field 1 by the contact. Custom Field responses may differ per Campaign and Constituent Type.
Contact Custom Field2 Text Response to Custom Field 2 by the contact. Custom Field responses may differ per Campaign and Constituent Type.
Contact Custom Field3 Text Response to Custom Field 2 by the contact. Custom Field responses may differ per Campaign and Constituent Type.
Contact Custom Field4 Text Response to Custom Field 4 by the contact. Custom Field responses may differ per Campaign and Constituent Type.
Contact Custom Field5 Text Response to Custom Field 4 by the contact. Custom Field responses may differ per Campaign and Constituent Type.
Contact Email Text Contact's e-mail address. This is required of all contacts, except Attendees.
Contact First Name Text First entered name entered for the contact.
Contact Full Name Text Contact's First Name + Last Name
Contact Goal Numeric Current fundraising goal of the contact. Goal is accurate to when data is being reported.
Contact ID Text Contact's User ID (or PID). All contacts have unique IDs with Returning Participants and Recurring Donors retaining the same user ID over multiple campaigns and transactions respectively.
Contact IsBilling Text Identifies if the contact is a Billing Contact (Y or N).
Contact IsCaptain Text Identifies if the contact is currently a Captain in a Peer-to-Peer event (Y or N).
Contact IsCoCaptain Text Identifies if the contact is currently a Co-Captain in a Peer-to-Peer event (Y or N). This feature is restricted.
Contact IsCompany Text Identifies if the contact is a Company Representative (Y or N). Tax receipts are issued in the name of the Company.
Contact IsDeferredPledge Text Identifies if the contact has made a Deferred Pledge towards their fundraising goal (Y or N). This feature is restricted.
Contact IsDonor Text Identifies if the contact is a donor (Y or N).
Contact IsParticipant Text Identifies if the contact is a participant in a Peer-to-Peer or Ticketing campaign (Y or N).
Contact IsPurchaser Text Identifies if the contact is a purchaser in a Ticketing campaign (Y or N).
Contact IsRecurring Donor Text Identifies if the contact is a recurring donor (Y or N).
Contact IsVolunteer Text Identifies if the contact is a volunteer (Y or N).
Contact Last Modified By Text User (administrator or public) who last updated the contact.
Contact Last Name Text Last name (surname) entered for the contact.
Contact Phone # Text Contact's phone number.
Contact Pledge Group Name Text In Peer-to-Peer campaigns, the Multi-Pledge group that the contact is currently associated with.
Contact Postal Text Postal Code or ZIP Code entered for the contact when completing their address. Required when issuing a tax receipt.
Contact Province Text Province or State entered for the contact when completing their address. Required when issuing a tax receipt.
Contact Province Code Text Abbreviated Province or State for the contact's address. Matches to Contact Address (e.g. Ontario = ON, New Jersey = NJ).
Contact Referral Code Text System-generated Referral Code that may be used by the contact to refer others to a Peer-to-Peer campaign.
Contact Referred By Text Name of referral contact who is credited for referring the contact to the campaign.
Contact Registration Date Date Day that the contact registered for the campaign being reported on.
Contact Registration Item Text Registration item associated with the contact's participation.
Contact Registration Type Text Registration type associated with the contact's participant. Registration type is the hierarchical category above Registration item.
Contact Status Text Identifies if the contact is currently active or inactive.
Contact Ticket Number Text Ticket number associated to an Attendee in a Ticketing campaign.
Contact Type Text Contact's user type (Individual or Organization Representative). Tax receipts are issued to Company Name of an Organization Representative.
Donation Ranges Bucket Transactions segmented into ranges and used to measure distribution of giving. Ranges are prefaced by a letter to sort in ascending order (e.g. "A - $0 - $50", "B - $50 - $100", "C - $100 - $200, and so on.) Ranges are not customizable.
Donation Status Text Donation's payment or processing status (Online, Offline Confirmed, Offline Unconfirmed, Pending)
Donation Type Text Type of donation received within the Campaign type. In Donations, values may be "General", "In Honour", "In Memory"; in Peer-to-Peer, values may be "Participant", "Team", "Group" or "Event".
Gift Currency Text Currency that the gift was made in. Raisin supports CAD, USD & EUR.
Gift Sponsorship Type Text Gift's dedication type. Used in Peer-to-Peer campaigns to identify if a donation was made to a participant, team, group or event.
Group ID Text Unique system-generated ID assigned to a Multi-Pledge group within a Peer-to-Peer campaign.
Group Name Text Multi-Pledge group's name, as defined in Group Details.
Group Status Text Indicates if the Multi-Pledge group is active or inactive.
Group Tag Text Administrator-defined tag(s) associated with the Multi-Pledge group.
Invoice Number Text Unique number assigned to an invoice transaction.
Invoice Status Text Payment status of the invoice.
Is Self Donation Text Indicates if the contact has made a self-donation (Y or N).
Item Amount Numeric Dollar amount paid for an item in a purchase.
Item Appeal Code Text Administrator-defined code assigned to the item in Manage Package Codes (or Manage Solicitation Codes).
Item Discount Numeric When a promo code is applied, the d ollar amount discounted from item's original price.
Item Frequency Text Payment frequency of the item, and identifies if a purchased item is recurring.
Item Id Text Unique system-generated ID assigned to an item, or "SKU" number (e.g. "Youth Registration" = 345290). All items created in a campaign have unique IDs.
Item IsDonation Formula Purchase item is considered a donation. Useful to distinguish between purchases and donations in a campaign.
Item Name Text Item's name, as defined by an administrator in the campaign.
Item Package Code Text Administrator-defined code assigned to the item in Manage Package Codes (or Manage Solicitation Codes).
Item Quantity Numeric Quantity of the selected item purchased in the transaction.
Item Receipt Amount Numeric Receiptable amount for the item, as defined by the administrator in Manage Package Codes (or Manage Solicitation Codes).
Item Type Text Item's hierarchical categorization. Examples include: "General Donation", "Admin Fee", "Registration Fee, Individual", "Sponsorship Item", "Store Item". Categories are visible in Manage Package Codes of the campaign.
Item Type Group Name Text Highest-level hierarchical categorization of the item. Broken down into: "Donation", "Registration", "Store", "Sponsorship".
Organization ID Text Your organization's system-generated ID.
Organization Name Text Your organization's name. Contact your Client Experience Manager if this is out of date or incorrect.
Participant ID Text Participant's unique ID. Returning Participants retain their ID campaign-to-campaign.
Promo Code Text Name of Promo Code applied.
Purchase Date Date Day that the purchase was made.
Receipt Date Date Day that a charitable tax receipt was issued from Raisin for the gift.
Receipt Number Text Unique receipt number assigned to a receipted gift. 
Source of Revenue Text Identifies category of revenue, similar to Item Type Group Name, and is ideal for comparisons across campaign types. Values include: Admin Fees, One-time donations, P2P donations, Recurring donations, Registrations, Store Items, Tickets.
Sponsored Records  
Sponsored Group ID  Text When a donation is made in a Peer-to-Peer campaign, the ID of the Multi-Pledge group that received the donation.
Sponsored Group Name Text When a donation is made in a Peer-to-Peer campaign, the name of the Multi-Pledge group that received the donation.
Sponsored Participant ID Text When a donation is made in a Peer-to-Peer campaign, the ID of the participant that received the donation.
Sponsored Participant Name Text When a donation is made in a Peer-to-Peer campaign, the name of the participant that received the donation.
Sponsored Team ID Text When a donation is made in a Peer-to-Peer campaign, the ID of the team that received the donation.
Sponsored Team Name Text When a donation is made in a Peer-to-Peer campaign, the name of the team that received the donation.
Team Create Date Date Day that a team was created in a Peer-to-Peer campaign.
Team Group Name Text Multi-Pledge group that the team currently belongs to.
Team ID Text Unique system-generated ID assigned to the team.
Team Name Text Team's name.
Team Status Text Team's status within the campaign (active or inactive).
Total Formula  
Total Confirmed Revenue Formula Total online and offline confirmed revenue. 
Total Raised Formula Total raised, in confirmed and unconfirmed revenue.
Transaction Amount Numeric Total currency amount processed for a transaction. Amount should reconcile with your payment gateway account. Transactions may include multiple gifts and purchased item.
Transaction Code Text Unique code assigned to the transaction. Prefix is administrator-defined in Manage Payment Accounts.
Transaction Date Date Date that the transaction was attempted or processed.
Transaction Id Text Unique system-generated ID assigned to the transaction.
Transaction Last Modified By Text Name of user who last modified the transaction.
Transaction Last Modified Date Date Day that the transaction was last modified.
Transaction Payment Method Text Method in which the transaction was paid for (e.g. Cash, Credit Card, Personal Cheque, Bank Debit, Invoice, Lumpsum)
Transaction Status Text Payment's successful processing status in the campaign (Online, Offline Confirmed, Offline Unconfirmed). 
Transaction Time Date Date/time of the transaction.
Transaction Type Type The category of transaction made, helping to further define the Status. Values include: Instant (online), Invoice, Offline - Not receiptable, Ongoing (recurring), Paid by another participant, Post-dated (recurring).
Tribute Of Type Name who the gift was dedicated to.
Tribute Type Type Type of dedication (In Honour or In Memory).
Txn (or Transaction)  
Txn Fund Code Text Code associated with the Fund that the transaction is assigned to.
Txn Fund Name Text Name of the Fund that the transaction is assigned to.
Txn Other Fund Text If donor has selected "Other" as their fund, the donor can free-form enter the name of a fund of their choosing. This is a custom feature.


Name Type Description
# Months From Last Failed Date Formula Count of months from date a recurring donation last declined/failed to process. Used to calculate lapsed donors (>/= 3 months from last failed donation).
$ Admin Numeric Administrative fees covered by the purchaser for the transaction ("Cover Admin Fee").
$ Confirmed Donation Numeric Sum of offline confirmed dollars in the transaction.
$ Online & Confirmed Donation Formula Sum of online and offline confirmed donations in the transaction.
$ Online Donation Numeric Sum of online dollars in the transaction.
$ RegFee Numeric Sum of registration fees paid in the transaction 
$ Store Numeric Dollar amount of store item(s) purchased in the transaction.
$ Total Donations Formula  
$ Unconfirmed Donation Numeric Dollar amount of unconfirmed donations in the transaction.
Campaign Code Text Campaign Code defined by an administrator in Campaign Details. Code aligns with your CRM.
Campaign Day End Date Date Day the Campaign ends. End Date is defined in Campaign Details (Event End Date).
Campaign Day Start Date Date Day the Campaign starts. Start Date is defined in Campaign Details (Event Start Date).
Campaign Donation End Date Date Day that donations can no longer be accepted in the Campaign. End Date is defined in Campaign Details (Donation End Date).
Campaign Donation Start Date Date Day that donations can be accepted in the Campaign. End Date is defined in Campaign Details (Donation End Date).
Campaign Fund Code Text Fund Code associated with the Campaign and defined in Campaign Details. Code associates to Fund Name.
Campaign Fund Name Text Fund Name associated with the Campaign and defined in Campaign Details. Name associates to Fund Code.
Campaign ID Text Campaign's unique ID (i.e. Event ID) generated by the system.
Campaign Long Name Text Combined Event Name and Location Name.
Campaign Name Text Campaign's Event Name, defined in Campaign Details.
Campaign Payment Gateway Text Name of Payment Gateway assigned to the Campaign, as defined in General Setup.
Campaign Payment Status Text Identifies if payments are being accepted in the Campaign using a Live gateway or Test gateway.
Campaign Site End Date Date Day that the campaign site is no longer public, as defined in Campaign Details. Sites will direct to the customizable Event Unavailable page.
Campaign Site Start Date Date Day that the campaign site is public, as defined in Campaign Details. Sites can be public without the ability to transact.
Campaign Start in # Days Formula Number of days until the campaign starts. Based on the Campaign Day Start Day.
Campaign Status Text Identifies if campaign is active (public and live) or inactive (no longer public), based on Site Live Dates.
Campaign Type Text Module type (Donations, Pledge, Multi-Pledge or Ticketing).
Contact Company Name  Text Name of the organization that the Contact entered when competing their form. Company Name is required by Organization Representatives, but can be entered by any Contact.
Contact Create Date Date Date that the Contact was created in the system.
Contact Email Text Contact's e-mail address. This is required of all contacts, except Attendees.
Contact First Name Text First entered name entered for the contact.
Contact Full Name Text Contact's First Name + Last Name
Contact ID Text Contact's User ID (or PID). All contacts have unique IDs with Returning Participants and Recurring Donors retaining the same user ID over multiple campaigns and transactions respectively.
Contact IsCompany Text Identifies if the contact is a Company Representative (Y or N). Tax receipts are issued in the name of the Company.
Contact IsRecurring Donor Text Identifies if the contact is a recurring donor (Y or N).
Contact Last Modified By Text User (administrator or public) who last updated the contact.
Contact Last Name Text Last name (surname) entered for the contact.
Contact Phone # Text Contact's phone number.
Contact Status Text Identifies if the contact is currently active or inactive.
Contact Type Text Contact's user type (Individual or Organization Representative). Tax receipts are issued to Company Name of an Organization Representative.
Donation Status Text Donation's payment or processing status (Online, Offline Confirmed, Offline Unconfirmed, Pending)
Donation Type Text Type of donation received within the Campaign type. In Donations, values may be "General", "In Honour", "In Memory"; in Peer-to-Peer, values may be "Participant", "Team", "Group" or "Event".
Gift Sponsorship Type Text Gift's dedication type. Used in Peer-to-Peer campaigns to identify if a donation was made to a participant, team, group or event.
Group ID Text Unique system-generated ID assigned to a Multi-Pledge group within a Peer-to-Peer campaign.
Group Name Text Multi-Pledge group's name, as defined in Group Details.
Group Tag Text Administrator-defined tag(s) associated with the Multi-Pledge group.
Invoice Number Text Unique number assigned to an invoice transaction.
Invoice Status Text Payment status of the invoice.
Max Transaction Date Formula  
Organization ID Text Your organization's system-generated ID.
Organization Name Text Your organization's name. Contact your Client Experience Manager if this is out of date or incorrect.
Payment Status Text All available payment statuses for the transaction, including Cancelled or Unknown. Unknown transactions occurred when there is a timeout with your payment gateway. 
Receipt Date Date Day that a charitable tax receipt was issued from Raisin for the gift.
Receipt Number Text Unique receipt number assigned to a receipted gift. 
Sponsored Group ID Text When a donation is made in a Peer-to-Peer campaign, the ID of the Multi-Pledge group that received the donation.
Sponsored Group Name Text When a donation is made in a Peer-to-Peer campaign, the name of the Multi-Pledge group that received the donation.
Sponsored Participant ID Text When a donation is made in a Peer-to-Peer campaign, the ID of the participant that received the donation.
Sponsored Participant Name Text When a donation is made in a Peer-to-Peer campaign, the name of the participant that received the donation.
Sponsored Team ID Text When a donation is made in a Peer-to-Peer campaign, the ID of the team that received the donation.
Sponsored Team Name Text When a donation is made in a Peer-to-Peer campaign, the name of the team that received the donation.
Transaction Amount Numeric Total currency amount processed for a transaction. Amount should reconcile with your payment gateway account. Transactions may include multiple gifts and purchased item.
Transaction Authorization Code Text Unique code assigned to the transaction by your payment gateway. Reconciles to Authorization or AuthCode in your gateway.
Transaction Code Text Unique code assigned to the transaction. Prefix is administrator-defined in Manage Payment Accounts.
Transaction Date Date Date that the transaction was attempted or processed.
Transaction Frequency Text Frequency that the transaction processes.
Transaction Id Text Unique system-generated ID assigned to the transaction.
Transaction Last Modified By Text Name of user who last modified the transaction.
Transaction Last Modified Date Text Day that the transaction was last modified.
Transaction Payment Card Name Text Credit card type use to pay for transaction, where Payment Method is Credit Card.
Transaction Payment Method Text Method in which the transaction was paid for (e.g. Cash, Credit Card, Personal Cheque, Bank Debit, Invoice, Lumpsum)
Transaction Recurring Last Failed Date Date Day that a recurring transaction last failed to process.
Transaction Recurring Last Successful Date Date Day that a recurring transaction was last successfully processed. This date is equal to the Transaction Date for successful recurring transactions.
Transaction Status Text Payment's processing status in the campaign (Online, Offline Confirmed, Offline Unconfirmed, Pending, Failed).
Transaction Type Text The category of transaction made, helping to further define the Status. Values include: Instant (online), Invoice, Offline - Not receiptable, Ongoing (recurring), Paid by another participant, Post-dated (recurring).
Txn Fund Code Text Code associated with the Fund that the transaction is assigned to.
Txn Fund Name Text Name of the Fund that the transaction is assigned to.
Txn Other Fund Text If donor has selected "Other" as their fund, the donor can free-form enter the name of a fund of their choosing. This is a custom feature.

Participants & Volunteers

Name Type Description
# of Days in Campaign Numeric  
# Donations Numeric Count of donations received.
# Months From Last Donation Date Formula Count of months from when the last donation was received.
# of Page Visits Numeric Count of visits a participant's personal page has received.
# Self Donations Numeric Count of self-donations the participant has made.
# Transactions Numeric Count of transactions received.
# of Email Contacts Numeric Count of email contacts the participant has in their Address Book.
# of Emails Opened Numeric Count of emails opened by a participant's recipients. 
# of Emails Sent Numeric Count of emails a participant has sent.
$ Confirmed Donation Numeric Amount of confirmed donations (online and offline confirmed) received in dollars.
$ Online Donation Numeric Amount of online donations received in dollars.
$ Raised (Confirmed) Numeric Amount raised in dollars, excluding unconfirmed donations.
$ Raised (Incl. Unconfirmed) Numeric Amount raised in dollars, including unconfirmed donations.
$ RegFee Numeric Dollar amount paid in registration fees.
$ Store Numeric Dollar amount paid for purchased store items.
$ Team Offline Donations Numeric Dollar amount of offline confirmed donations raised by team.
$ Team Online Donations Numeric Dollar amount of online donations raised bt team.
$ Total Revenue Numeric Amount raised plus registration fee in dollars (fundraising + registration fee). Excludes unconfirmed donations.
$ Total Revenue (Incl. Unconfirmed) Numeric Amount raised plus registration in dollars. Includes unconfirmed donations.
$ Unconfirmed Donation Numeric Amount of unconfirmed donations received in dollars.
% Raised Numeric Percentage of fundraising goal raised, including confirmed donations only.
% Raised Segment Bucket Percentage of fundraising goal raised segmented into ranges and used to measure distribution of fundraising. Percentage raised includes confirmed donations only. Ranges are prefaced by a letter to sort in ascending order (e.g. "A - 0%", "B - 1% - 25%", "C - 25% - 50%, and so on.) Ranges are not customizable.
% Raised Unconfirmed Numeric Percentage of fundraising goal raised, including confirmed and unconfirmed donations.
% Team Raised Numeric Percentage of team fundraising goal raised., including confirmed donations only.
Campaign Code Text Campaign Code defined by an administrator in Campaign Details. Code aligns with your CRM.
Campaign ID Text Campaign's unique ID (i.e. Event ID) generated by the system.
Campaign Long Name Text Combined Event Name and Location Name.
Campaign Name Text Campaign's Event Name, defined in Campaign Details.
Campaign Payment Gateway Text Name of Payment Gateway assigned to the Campaign, as defined in General Setup.
Campaign Status Text Identifies if campaign is active (public and live) or inactive (no longer public), based on Site Live Dates.
Campaign Type Text Module type (Donations, Pledge, Multi-Pledge or Ticketing).
Contact AddressLine1 Text Street address entered by the contact when completing their address. Mandatory to issue a tax receipt. 
Contact AddressLine2 Text Suite, unit or apartment entered by the contact when completing their address.
Contact AddressType Text Address type entered by a contact (e.g. Home or Business).
Contact Birthday Date Birthdate entered by the contact (MM/DD/YYYY).
Contact Checkbox 1 Text Checkbox 1 completed by the contact, where Y is checked and N is unchecked. Checkbox 1 is typically used for subscription to future email communications.
Contact Checkbox 2 Text Checkbox 2 completed by the contact, where Y is checked and N is unchecked. Checkbox 2 is typically used for permission to share contact information.
Contact City Text City entered by contact when completing their address.
Contact Company Name Text Name of the organization that the contact entered when competing their form. Company Name is required by Organization Representatives, but can be entered by any contact.
Contact Country Code Text Shortened country code, based on the country entered by the contact (e.g. United States = US, Canada = CA).
Contact Create Date Text Date that the contact was created in the system.
Contact Custom Field1 Text Response to Custom Field 1 by the contact. Custom Field responses may differ per Campaign and Constituent Type.
Contact Custom Field2 Text Response to Custom Field 2 by the contact. Custom Field responses may differ per Campaign and Constituent Type.
Contact Custom Field3 Text Response to Custom Field 2 by the contact. Custom Field responses may differ per Campaign and Constituent Type.
Contact Custom Field4 Text Response to Custom Field 4 by the contact. Custom Field responses may differ per Campaign and Constituent Type.
Contact Custom Field5 Text Response to Custom Field 4 by the contact. Custom Field responses may differ per Campaign and Constituent Type.
Contact Email Text Contact's e-mail address. This required of all contacts, except attendees.
Contact Email Type Text Contact's e-mail type (e.g. Personal, Business).
Contact First Name Text First name entered for the contact.
Contact Full Name Text Contact's First Name + Last Name.
Contact Gender Text Contact's gender selection.
Contact Goal Numeric Current fundraising goal of the contact. Goal is accurate to when data is being reported.
Contact Goal Reached Date Date Day on which the contact received confirmed donations that reached or exceeded their fundraising goal.
Contact ID Text Contact's User ID (or PID). All contact's have unique IDs with Returning Participants and Recurring Donors retaining the same user ID over multiple campaigns and transactions respectively.
Contact Interface Language Text Interface language the contact completed their transaction in (English Canada = "en-ca", English US = "en-us", French Canada = "fr-ca").
Contact IsCaptain Text Identifies if the contact is currently a Captain in a Peer-to-Peer event (Y or N).
Contact IsCoCaptain Text Identifies if the contact is currently a Co-Captain in a Peer-to-Peer event (Y or N). This feature is restricted.
Contact IsCompany Text Identifies if the contact is a Company Representative (Y or N). Tax receipts are issued in the name of the Company.
Contact IsDeferredPledge Text Identifies if the contact has made a Deferred Pledge towards their fundraising goal (Y or N). This feature is restricted.
Contact IsParticipant Text Identifies if the contact is a participant in a Peer-to-Peer or Ticketing campaign (Y or N).
Contact IsPrivate Text Identifies if the contact has been made private (Y or N).
Contact IsReturning Text Identifies if the contact is a returning participant (Y of N).
Contact IsSelfDonor Text Identifies if the contact is a self-donor (Y or N).
Contact IsVolunteer Text Identifies if the contact is a volunteer (Y or N).
Contact Language Text Contact's interface language.
Contact Last Modified By Text User (administrator or public) who last updated the contact.
Contact Last Modified Date Text Date that the contact was last modified.
Contact Last Name Text Last name (surname) entered for the contact.
Contact Last Middle Name Text Middle name entered for the contact.
Contact Page URL Date Personal fundraising page URL (link to the participant's page).
Contact Phone # Text Contact's phone number.
Contact Phone Type Text Type of phone number (e.g. Home, Mobile, Business).
Contact PhoneExt Text Contact's phone number extension.
Contact Pledge Group Name Text In Multi-Pledge campaigns, the Multi-Pledge group that the contact is currently associated with.
Contact Postal Text Postal Code or ZIP Code entered for the contact when completing their address. Required when issuing a tax receipt.
Contact Province Code Text Abbreviated Province or State for the contact's address. Matches to Contact Address (e.g. Ontario = ON, New Jersey = NJ).
Contact Referral Code Text System-generated Referral Code that may be used by the contact to refer others to a Peer-to-Peer campaign.
Contact Referred By Text Name of referral contact who is credited for referring the contact to the campaign.
Contact Registration Date Date Day that the contact registered for the campaign being reported on.
Contact Registration Item Date Registration item associated with the contact's participation.
Contact Registration Type Text Registration type associated with the contact's participation. Registration type is the hierarchical category above Registration item.
Contact Status Text Identifies if the contact is currently active or inactive.
Contact Ticket Number Text Ticket number associated to an attendee in a Ticketing campaign.
Contact Ticketed Group Name Text In Ticketing campaigns, the name of the group (e.g. table, foursome) that an attendee is a part of.
Contact Title Text Contact's title or honorific selection.
Contact Type Text Contact's user type (Individual or Organization Representative). Tax receipts are issued to Company Name of an Organization Representative.
Contact User Name Text Username that contact logs in to the campaign.
Facebook Status Text Indicates if the contact has connected with Facebook.
Fitness End Date Text Day the contact has set their Fitness Activity Challenge to end.
Fitness Goal Text Contact's Fitness Activity Challenge goal.
Fitness Start Date Text Day the contact has set their Fitness Activity Challenge to start.
Fitness Strava ID Text Strava ID connected through the Participant Centre to track fitness activity.
Fitness Strava Status Text Indicates if the contact has connected to Strava to power their Fitness Activity Challenge.
Fitness Total Distance Text Total distance tracked through Strava for their Fitness Activity Challenge. Distance is in km for Canada; mi for USA.
Fitness Total Time Numeric Total time in minutes tracked through Strava for their Fitness Activity Challenge.
Group ID Text Label Unique system-generated ID assigned to a Multi-Pledge group within a Peer-to-Peer campaign.
Group Name Text Label Multi-Pledge group's name, as defined in Group Details.
Group Status Text Label Indicates if the Multi-Pledge group is active or inactive.
Group Tag Text Label Administrator-defined tag(s) associated with the Multi-Pledge group.
Last Donation Date Date Day the contact last received a donation.
Last Login Date Date Day the contact last logged into the Participant Centre.
MonthFromLDD-DPTEST Formula  
Organization ID Text Your organization's system-generated ID.
Organization Name Text Your organization's name. Contact your Client Experience Manager if this is out of date or incorrect.
Page End Date Date Day that participant has set their personal page to end. Page End Date is enabled through Participant & DIY Settings.
Page Fund Code Text Fund Code the participant is allocating donations they receive to. Code associates to Fund Name.
Page Fund Name Text Fund Name the participant is allocating donations they receive to. Name associates to Fund Code.
Page Image Text Indicates if the participant has personalized (edited) images on their fundraising page.
Page Story Text Indicates if the participant has personalized (edited) the story on their fundraising page.
Page Tribute Of Text Name who the participant has dedicated their page and donations they receive to.
Page Tribute Type Text Type of dedication (In Honour or In Memory).
Purchase Date Date Day that the purchase was made. 
Purchase Item Name Text Item purchased by the contact. Item name is defined by an administrator in the campaign.
Purchase Item Type Text Purchase item's hierarchical categorization. Examples include: "General Donation", "Admin Fee", "Registration Fee, Individual", "Sponsorship Item", "Store Item". Categories are visible in Manage Package Codes of the campaign.
Purchase Payment Status Text Status of the payment.
Purchase Transaction Code Text Unique code assigned to the transaction that's associated with purchased item. Prefix is administrator-defined in Manage Payment Accounts.
Purchaser Birthday Date Birthdate of the purchaser.
Purchaser Checkbox 1 Text Response to Custom Field 1 from the purchaser. Custom Field responses may differ per Campaign and Constituent Type.
Purchaser Checkbox 2 Text Response to Custom Field 2 from the purchaser. Custom Field responses may differ per Campaign and Constituent Type.
Purchaser Company Name Text Name of the organization that the purchaser entered when competing their form. Company Name is required by Organization Representatives, but can be entered by any Contact.
Purchaser Email Text Purchaser's e-mail address.
Purchaser Full Name Text Purchaser's First Name and Last Name.
Purchaser IsCompany Text Indicates if the purchaser is a Company Representative (Y or N). 
Purchaser Phone Text Purchaser's phone number.
Team Captain Full Name Text Team captain's First Name and Last Name.
Team Goal Numeric Team's fundraising goal, as defined by the Team Captain.
Team ID Text Unique system-generated ID. All teams have a unique ID.
Team Name Text Team's name.
Team Raised Numeric Dollar amount team has raised in confirmed donation.
Team Tag Text Team tag assigned to the Team. This feature is included in Peer-to-Peer Plus pack.
Team Url Text Team's fundraising page URL (or link).


Name Type Description
# of Active Participants Numeric Count of active participants on the team.
# Donations Numeric Count of donations that the team has received.
# Donors Numeric Count of unique donors that have given to the team.
# Participants Reached Goal Numeric Count of participants on the team who have reached their fundraising goal in confirmed donations.
# Self Donations Numeric Count of participants who have made self-donations.
$ Avg. Participant Goal Numeric Average fundraising goal of participants on the team.
$ Confirmed Donation Numeric Amount of confirmed donations (online and offline confirmed) team has received in dollars.
$ Online Donation Numeric Amount of online donations (online and offline confirmed) team has received in dollars.
$ Raised Numeric Amount raised by the team in dollars, excluding unconfirmed donations.
$ Raised Unconfirmed Numeric Amount raised by the team in dollars, including unconfirmed donations.
$ Reg Fee Numeric Dollar amount paid by team members in registration fees.
$ Revenue Numeric Amount raised plus registration fee in dollars (fundraising + registration fee). Excludes unconfirmed donations.
$ Revenue Unconfirmed Numeric Amount raised plus registration in dollars. Includes unconfirmed donations.
% Participants Reached Goal Numeric Percentage of participants who have currently reached their fundraising goal, including confirmed donations only.
% Raised Numeric Percentage of fundraising goal raised, including confirmed donations only.
% Raised Unconfirmed Numeric Percentage of fundraising goal raised, including confirmed and unconfirmed donations.
Campaign Code Text Campaign Code defined by an administrator in Campaign Details. Code aligns with your CRM.
Campaign ID Text Campaign's unique ID (i.e. Event ID) generated by the system.
Campaign Long Name Text Combined Event Name and Location Name.
Campaign Name Text Campaign's Event Name, defined in Campaign Details.
Campaign Payment Gateway Text Name of Payment Gateway assigned to the Campaign, as defined in General Setup.
Campaign Payment Status Text Identifies if payments are being accepted in the Campaign using a Live gateway or Test gateway.
Campaign Status Text Identifies if campaign is active (public and live) or inactive (no longer public), based on Site Live Dates.
Campaign Type Text Module type (Donations, Pledge, Multi-Pledge or Ticketing).
Captain Company Name Text Name of the organization that the team captain entered when competing their form. 
Captain Email Text Team captain's e-mail address. This required of all contacts, except attendees.
Captain Full Name Text Team captain's First Name + Last Name.
Captain ID Text Team captain's User ID (or PID). All contact's have unique IDs with Returning Participants and Recurring Donors retaining the same user ID over multiple campaigns and transactions respectively.
Captain IsCompany Text Identifies if the team captain is a Company Representative (Y or N). 
Captain IsReturning Text Identifies if the team captain is a returning participant (Y of N).
Captain Phone # Text Team captain's phone number.
Captain Registration Item Text Registration item associated with the team captain's participation.
Captain Registration Type Text Registration type associated with the team captain's participation. Registration type is the hierarchical category above Registration item.
Captain Status Text Identifies if the team captain is currently active or inactive.
Group ID Text Unique system-generated ID assigned to a Multi-Pledge group within a Peer-to-Peer campaign.
Group Name Text Multi-Pledge group's name, as defined in Group Details.
Group Status Text Indicates if the Multi-Pledge group is active or inactive.
Group Tag Text Administrator-defined tag(s) associated with the Multi-Pledge group.
Has Goal Reached Formula Identifies if the participant has reached their fundraising goal, including confirmed donations.
Organization ID Text Your organization's system-generated ID.
Organization Name Text Your organization's name. Contact your Client Experience Manager if this is out of date or incorrect.
Team Create Date Date Day that the team was created.
Team Goal Numeric Team's fundraising goal, as defined by the Team Captain.
Team ID Text Unique system-generated ID. All teams have a unique ID.
Team Name Text Team's name.
Team Personalized Image Text Indicates if the team has personalized (edited) images on their team fundraising page.
Team Personalized Story Text Indicates if the participant has personalized (edited) the story on their fundraising page.
Team Size Numeric Count of participants on the team.
Team Status Text Identifies if team is active or inactive.
Team Tag Text Team tag assigned to the Team. This feature is included in Peer-to-Peer Plus pack.
Team Url Text Team's fundraising page URL (or link).

Your input, your ideas 💡

Are there fields or data points that you don't see here that you'd like to use in Analytics? Let us know!