What causes a record to re-export?

Records will be re-exported after a modification to ensure you have the most up-to-date information about your users.

Exports include all new or newly-modified information to ensure you have the most up-to-date information about your users. Modifications can happen on three record types:

  • Constituent (i.e. User)
  • Team
  • Transaction (i.e. Gift)

When one of these record types is modified, the date of the change is tracked to the Last Modified Date column,  and triggers the full record to be re-exported. On re-export, all IDs -- like User ID, Transaction ID, Import ID -- remain the same as when the record was first exported.

Transaction information will only re-export if a gift is modified in some way.

How can records change?

Records can be updated by an administrator fixing or changing data from the back-end (admin-triggered), by a constituent (user-triggered) or by the raisin data support team (special requests).

Here are a few common change scenarios under these conditions, when you can expect to see a record re-export:


Type of change Notes Modifier of record Change reflected in
Individual to Team Member and vice versa Individual joins a team, removed from a team, or switches teams Constituent ID Team ID
Team Member to Team Captain and vice versa Team member becomes a captain or individual joins the team and becomes captain Constituent ID, Team ID Team ID, IsCaptain (Yes/No)
Registration item changes Participant's registration item changes Constituent ID, Transaction ID Registration Item Name, Registration Item Type, Last Modified Date
Profile Information Change to user profile information, such as name, address, e-mail Constituent ID Any profile fields in Constituent record
Participant moves Teams or Groups Change in participant's Team or Multi-Pledge Group participation Constituent ID Team ID, Group ID
Add/modify Attendee Name for Group Tickets Change in attendee names for table/group purchase (for Ticketing) Constituent ID Any profile fields in Constituent record
Reissue Tax Receipt Administrator reissued donor receipt Transaction ID Last Modified Date
Deactivated Profile Constituent is deactivated Constituent ID IsActive, Last Modified Date
Donation is moved Gift is moved from Admin console Transaction ID Any of Sponsored Participant ID, Sponsored Team ID, Group ID, SubEvent ID


Type of change Notes Modifier of record Change reflected in
Individual to Team Member and vice versa Individual joins a team, removed from a team or switches teams Constituent ID Team ID
Profile Information Change to user profile information, such as name, address, e-mail Constituent ID Any profile fields in Constituent record
Participant updates Goal Participant updates their fundraising Goal Constituent ID User Fundraising Goal

Special requests

Type of change Notes Modifier of record Change reflected in
Partial Refund In the event a portion of a transaction is cancelled or an amount is changed, including waiver registration fees Transaction ID Amount
Change to Transaction Amount Amount is manually updated due to donor error Transaction ID Amount

When won't a record re-export?

Notably, not all changes will cause a record to re-export. Here are a few common change scenarios where the system will not modify and re-export a record:

  • Transaction is cancelled in full 
  • Participant's captain status is removed (Re-exports only when their Item is changed or team is changed)
  • Event or Group goal are changed