Notes regarding payment gateway credentials for Worldline users.

If you use use Worldline (formerly Bambora) to accept payments on raisin, please be aware of the following account configurations required in order to successfully receive donations.

Security policy

Due to changes in Worldline’s policies effective July 23, 2018, donations submitted via their payment gateway will require additional authentication. Raisin’s integration with Worldline supports the Username and Password authentication feature. If you use Worldline to process donations in raisin and have not already activated this security feature, you must do so in order to accept donations.

What do you need to do to establish a Username and Password?

To set a Username and Password, follow these easy steps: 

  1. Go to the Administration section of your Worldline portal, then to Account settings and finally Order Settings.
  2. Scroll down, under Payment Gateway you can select Security/Authentication, here you will find your username/password validation or hash validation.
  3. Enter a "Username" and "Password" with no spaces, and save your changes.
  4. Then, log in to raisin and visit the Manage Payment Accounts section in General Setup.
  5. Click “Create Payment Account”.
  6. Re-create your Payment Account, selecting “Worldline” as the Payment Gateway type. To identify this account, a distinct Account Name is recommended.
  7. Enter your 9-digit Merchant ID, as well as both your Profile and Payment API Key's with no spaces before or after.
  8. In the "Transaction Username" and "Transaction Password" fields, enter the Username and Password you just set in Worldline.
  9. Click “Add”. This will be your new Payment Account moving forward.
  10. Within each of your live events, switch the Payment Account from your old instance to the newly created one with Username and Password.
  11. To ensure that the new account is functioning correctly, we strongly advise submitting a small donation to one of your raisin events. If successful, check in Worldline that the donation was also deposited. 
  12. As a final check, notify your Account Manager of the successful change.

Note: Worldline's policy changes affect all of their integrations, so if you use your Worldline account to process online transactions elsewhere, similar changes will also be required. We recommend ensuring that these systems also support the Username and Password authentication method.

raisin does not support hash validation at this time. Ensure this is switched off in your Bambora account to accept payments.

Tokenization of recurring payments and offline payments

Recurring donations and offline pledge payments are submitted to your gateway via a secure method of processing called "tokenization". In order to accept tokens, a Profile API Key and Payments API Key must be set up in your Worldline account. Follow the steps below to find the respective keys:

Your Worldline Profile API Key:

The profile key can be generated by following these steps:
  1. In Worldline account settings, go to “Payment Profile Configuration” (found under the “Configuration” menu) option. Select “API access passcode” and “Generate New Code”.
  2. IMPORTANT: Under Credit Card Settings, please ensure that the 2nd checkbox (“Do not allow profile to be created with card data duplicated from an existing profile) is not turned on. Setting this on could potentially fail the transaction if two different different donors use the same credit card or same donor donates twice with the same credit card as raisin will create two different profiles with same credit card. The “Process all payment profile transactions as recurring payments” should also be unchecked.

Your Payments API Key:

To find this in Worldline:
  1. Go “Account Settings”, and choose to “Order Settings”. Under Security/Authentication, go to “API access passcode” and “Generate New Code”

Once generated, be sure to always keep your keys safe.

To connect with raisin, log in to your raisin account and go to Manage Payment Accounts in General Setup. Create a new account, and enter the keys into the corresponding fields, and then save.

Further Requirements (Worldline)

Note: If you're unable to pay for Offline Pledges from the Participant Centre, ensure that you uncheck "Require unique order numbers" box under the Payment Profile Configuration from within your Worldline Payment Account.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding how to make these changes in raisin, please do not hesitate to contact your Account Manager directly. Worldline can also be reached at 1-833-226-2672 or by request.