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  2. Revenue Management
  3. Payment and fundraising information

How do I refund a donation?

Refunds and adjustments are handled via your payment gateway, with the change reflected in by choosing to "Cancel"/"Edit" the transaction.

raisin does not handle or deposit the funds you donors contribute, so refunds are effectively handled in two-steps to return the funds of your donor and to reflect the change on the front-end:

  1. To issue a refund, login to your payment gateway account. Once logged in, follow the steps to refund the payment. This is sometimes referred to as "Void", "Waive" or "Cancel", depending on your gateway of choice.
  2. Once the refund is complete, cancel the transaction in raisin.

Cancelling the Transaction

Cancelling a transaction removes the gift from the front-end (i.e. Honour Rolls, thermometers), along with revenue reports. Doing so removes the gift from the front-end (i.e. Honour Rolls, thermometers), along with revenue reports. If a tax receipt was issued, it is cancelled at the same time.

The ability to Cancel Transactions is available by default to all System Administrators. For other roles, you’ll find a new Permission Levels in General Setup called "“Cancel Transaction” that can be assigned to administrators.

Cancellation and adjustment of transactions is performed in the “Transactions” menu of the gift. To do so:

  • Click the Transaction Code (TxCode).
  • Doing so will open up two options:
    • Cancel Full Transaction: Clicking “Cancel Full Transaction” changes the status of the entire transaction to Cancelled. The receipt will also be cancelled (i.e. made void). If cancelling a transaction that includes a registration, the participant will be made inactive by default.
    • Edit / Cancel Items: When a transaction consists of multiple items (e.g. Donation + Admin Fee, Ticket Purchase + Table Purchase, Registration Fee + Self-Donation), you may adjust the purchased items individually. For example, you may wish to cancel the Fee associated with a ticket purchase, but leave the donation intact. If cancelling a receipted item, the entire receipt will be cancelled, too.
      • Edit: On the other hand, if the transaction has not been receipted, the Amount may also be decreased by clicking “Edit”. If amounts are modified, it does not affect the quantity of items purchased. 

Image of how to cancel or adjust transactions

For future reporting on cancelled transactions, you can always use the Transaction Report, which will show these gifts under the "Cancelled" status.

Cancelled gifts are not re-exported, so manual adjustments to your CRM will be necessary.

Cancelling Tax Receipts 

If just a receipt needs to be voided, System Administrators have the ability to void the e-tax receipt yourself. There are two places where you can find this option:

  1. In the "Tax Receipt" menu of a donor's user profile, you'll notice a "Cancel" on the far-right of the receipt table. 
  2. Run the Tax Receipts Report, and click "Cancel" next to the receipt that needs to be made void.

Once a receipt has been cancelled, it cannot be re-issued in raisin. Based on government receipting practices, you may also wish to take additional action internally and with the donor.