Which payment gateways do you support and can you accept foreign currencies?

raisin supports a variety of payment processors and payment types, so funds flow directly into your desired merchant account and can be set up to accept foreign currencies. 

raisin offers real-time integration with the following payment processors (or payment gateways) so funds flow directly into your account:

  • Worldline (formerly Bambora) - See prerequisites
  • Global Payments ECommerce
  • iATS by Deluxe
  • Moneris (eSelect Plus)
  • PaySafe
  • SafeSave
  • Stripe - See authorization steps

Payment gateways are all unique, and support various card types, security and fraud management features, and service options. raisin integrates with the gateway of your choice.

Recurring Donations

If you have our Donations module, in order to accept recurring gifts, ensure that you have tokenization and monthly payments enabled with your payment processor.

Card Types

The following credit cards can be accepted on raisin, so long as your gateway also supports them:

  • VISA / VISA Debit
  • MasterCard
  • AMEX
  • Discover
  • Diner's Club


Optionally, we support PayPal in addition to your payment gateway. Learn how to set up your PayPal account in a few easy steps.

Bank Debit / ACH

Donations via Bank Debit (i.e. ACH or Bank Withdrawal) are currently supported by iATS.

ACH transactions transfer funds directly from the bank account of a donor, and are great for retention of recurring donors.

To start processing with this payment method, simply select "Bank Debit" in the Payment Information section of your campaigns. Bank Withdrawal, Transit No., Bank No. and Account No. options must also be enabled in your Payment Options to allow this payment type.

Donations from Foreign Countries

Gifts can be accepted worldwide, as long as your payment gateway also accepts them. So long as your Payment Account accepts gifts from regions outside of your own, donors worldwide are able to give via the front-end and they are charged in the currency of your payment gateway.

Gifts also appear on the front-end and in your reports in the currency of your gateway.