How do I connect Google Analytics?

Integrate your raisin events with Google Analytics for enhanced donor insights.

Where are donors coming from? What content is most effective in converting visitors into registrants? Where are users losing interest? How does social impact site traffic?

Fortunately, raisin integrates directly with Google Analytics (GA) to provide you with tools to measure and analyze how people find and interact with your website and eventually take action to support your cause.

Setting up your Google Analytics Account

Use of the Google Analytics feature is available to you as part of your raisin license. If you do not already have a Google Analytics account or are unfamiliar with Analytics, you can sign up for an account (it's free and recommended!) at

Migrating to GA4?

Starting July 1, 2023, Google is replacing Universal Analytics with their latest product, Google Analytics 4. If you have not yet created one, Google has prepared a helpful guide, video and setup wizard in your GA account on how to migrate your existing Universal Analytics account to their new GA4 technology.

Once you have your account, you'll need to create a Google Analytics Property to collect visits to the events you create on raisin. A Property represents a site or entity -- in this case, websites created on your raisin account. 

Note: To track event sites distinctly, raisin also allows for multiple Properties in a single event.

Connecting your Property

Connecting your Google Analytics 4 Account is simple and can done accomplished the Integrations section in General Setup:

  1. Under General Setup select “Google Analytics” from the left-hand side (under 3rd Party Integrations).
  2. Select “Enable”
  3. Locate your Measurement ID in your Google Analytics 4 property in the Data Streams menu.Enter the appropriate Tracking IDs of the Property in your Google Analytics account that you'd like to track activity on raisin with.

Importantly: Google Analytics has officially sunset Universal Analytics and any properties entered that begin with "UA" will no longer process data.

Enable Tracking 

Connecting your property will integrate raisin with Google Analytics, but will not start tracking automatically. Tracking is enabled on an event-by-event basis, so that you have full control over what and when you want to start collecting insights. For greatest accuracy, we suggest only enabling tracking after you have completed testing of the site and are live to the public

To enable tracking, in Event Details or Location Details of your event, scroll down to Google Analytics and simply check-off the “Add Tracking” box to enable Google Analytics for your event. Click Save to finalize the changes.


Once enabled, all activity on this event will be tracked by Google Analytics!

Note: There is sometimes a delay of 24-48 hours for data to start appearing your account, so please allow for some time after checking this box off. Additionally, site visits are only tracked once the box is checked and they cannot be retrieved retroactively!

Including Additional Trackers

If you'd like to add another property to track visits on this event, select the "Include additional tracker" checkbox. This will open up another text box where you can add a new Measurement ID.

Including additional trackers might be useful if you wish to isolate traffic to a single ID for a signature event and avoid multiple views or if you're working with a third-party who wishes to track activity on their own Property.

E-Commerce Tracking

raisin supports enhancement measurement events and e-commerce out-of-the-box, allowing you to enhance insight about your audience, monitor referral flows, and track conversions across revenue sources.

For example, when a purchase with revenue is made, this will create a purchase event with item dimensions that identify the type of the gift it was, its amount and the event it came from.

As this is new technology, we're also getting used to it and you might see a few tweaks over time as this integration is optimized. We appreciate your feedback!

Legacy information pertaining to Universal Analytics:

Connecting a Universal Analytics is performed via the Property ID will begin with "UA-" and can be found in your Google Analytics settings page. The following GA features are also supported:

Cross Domain Tracking:
Click the “_SetAllowLink” checkbox if you wish to enable cross-domain user tracking. Please refer to Google’s documentation for more information.

Ecommerce Tracking: When creating your Property, be sure to select to "Enable E-Commerce"  in the View you want to see data in. 

  • Products, like Donation, Registration, Sponsorship, and Store Item. The name of the Product is dynamic based on the Item Name in raisin.
  • Transactions