How do I go live?

Switching your payment gateway out of Test Mode will allow you to start accepting donations, but don't forget to set your Codes and enable your receipts!

So, you're officially ready to share your amazing fundraising campaign with the world! But what's next? To start accepting registrations and donations, just follow the easy steps below:

  1. Go to Event/Location Details, scroll to Payment and Fundraising Information and choose your live payment account from the Payment Account drop down, and click “OK” to the warning. Then, scroll down and select “Save”. After switching the payment account, all constituent and purchase information entered while in ‘Test Mode’ will be automatically erased. Real credit cards can then be used to complete donations.
  2. If you have entered your Google Analytics property (starting with 'UA'), Google Analytics tracking can be activated in Event/Location Details. Click the Enable Tracking radio button under Google Analytics, and then Save. Visitor insights will start showing up in your Google Analytics account in 24-48 hours.
  3. Verify that all relevant Fund Codes (i.e. GL Codes for DonorPerfect users), Campaign Codes and Package Codes (i.e. Solicitation Code for DPO), Appeal Codes (i.e. Sub-Solicitation Codes for DPO) and receiptable amounts/percentages for the event are correct. These codes are crucial for data alignment down the line, if you are using a donor management system or CRM that requires such information. If not, they can be ignored for launch.
  4. Check that has been included in your SPF record for improved email delivery.
  5. Finally, if you’re issuing tax receipts through raisin, go to Tax Receipts and click the big Start Sending Tax Receipts button. All Codes and receiptable amounts/percentages will lock for edit at this time.

Note: For special events where receipt benefit has yet to be determined, receipts can be issued retroactively after launch.

To ensure that payments can be processed before making the site public, submit a small donation ($5.00 in value) after switching to Live mode. If the gift is not accepted, this would suggest that there is something entered incorrectly with your account. Please check the Transactions Report for the response your payment gateway is giving for the failed payment. Contact your account manager if there any questions. If successful, double-check that the funds are deposited by your payment gateway before announcing the event to the public.

Congratulations, you're live! Let the donations start rolling on in...

Check out our webinar, that further reviews how to go live here.