Configuring Peer-to-Peer Participant & DIY Settings

Participant & DIY Settings tailor your Peer-to-Peer event and activate additional Participant Centre features that enhance the experience of your fundraisers.

Participant & DIY Settings establish event preferences and activate additional features available to Participants in your Peer-to-Peer campaign. While Participant & DIY Settings can be employed in any Peer-to-Peer (Pledge / Multi-Pledge) campaign, they are often used to empower the creativity of your fundraisers in the context of DIY/community/third-party fundraising initiatives.

There are two different types of settings that can be controlled from this menu:

  • Participant's Fundraising Centre
  • Registration

More features will continue to be added, so stay tuned!

Participant Fundraising Centre

Additional settings can be enabled in the Participant Centre. When activated, they will become available for all participants in the event to leverage when they are logged into the Participant Centre.

Settings are enabled or disabled by checking or unchecking the corresponding checkbox for:

Offline Donations

Allows participants to add offline pledges

Live Stream

Adds Livestreaming menu option to allow participants to connect with and broadcasting streams from Twitch, YouTube or Facebook

Fitness Activity

Adds Fitness Challenge menu option for participants to set up personal and/or team fitness goals, and sync activity from Strava

Page End Date

Allows participant to set an end date for their page. When the end date is reached, the participant and their page is deactivated and the customizable "Participant's Campaign Ended" Message Template is sent.

Page End Date may not be later than the Site's Live End Date

Fundraising Widget Settings

Allows registered fundraisers to determine how, or if, a thermometer should be displayed on their personal page. When enabled, thermometers may be set to show:

    • Thermometer with goal and amount raised
    • Fundraising goal only
    • Raised amount only
    • Hide the widget

This feature is often best combined with the Fundraising Goal Optional feature in Registration & Scoreboards when offering fundraisers the ability to create tribute pages.


Options for page registration establish the types of pages offered during registration and preferences you collect from them.

These options do not affect your Registration Options, and personal information is still collected via User Profile Fields and Surveys.

Check the corresponding box next to each feature to enable the feature:

Fund List Available to Participants

When activated, this opens a list of funds available for participants to choose from when creating their personal pages. All donations made to the page will be allocated to the fund specified by the participant and coded as such in your reports and exports. The Available Funds list contains the remaining funds that have been created in General Setup, but are not available for participants to select for their page.

The list is combobox and funds may be selected by either typing to find the fund or choosing from the list. If you'd like to activate all funds, an "All Funds" option is in the list, too.

If a fund you need is not there, you can set one up in the in the “General Set Up” section (in the horizontal navigation menu at the top). Creating a Fund in General Set Up: Under General Setup select “Manage Funds” from the left-hand side and select “Create New Fund”. Once you have filled in the fund name and code, click “Add”.

Collect Tributee Information at Time of Registration

Check "Collect tributee information at time of registration" to allow fundraisers to create tribute pages in honour or in memory of a special person and provide the tributee's name during registration.

Screenshot showing checkboxes that enable collecting tributee information at the time of registration.After this feature is enabled, you may choose to:

    • Make capturing the tributee's name mandatory during registration
    • In Multi-Pledge events, which groups you would like collect this information from
    • The Header (title) and Description that appears when above the fields where this information is collected during the registration process in English and French.


When a participant chooses to make a tribute page, the First Name and Last Name of the individual that they are honouring will become searchable in the event by visitors finding the page, and will display on in the results prefaced by the Tribute Type the participant selected.


How Settings Appear in the Participant Centre

Participants are able to manage these settings from their logged in Participant Centre. Page Settings are found in My Page, when editing their page.

The flyout menu will include a "Page Settings" section where enabled settings will live:

Image of Page Settings in the Participant Centre with options to set Tribute Type, Tributee Name, Area to Support, Fundraising widget settings and a Page End date