What do I need before I start syncing data with DonorPerfect?

To ensure a seamless integration with DonorPerfect, there's a few important steps to take before you begin syncing data.

Before getting started with the DonorPerfect integration, ensure that you have the following:

  1. You have a valid DonorPerfect User and Password. We recommend creating a new User specifically for the purposes of importing records from raisin into DonorPerfect.
  2. The raisin Package has been installed on your DonorPerfect database. This package will automatically setup raisin User Defined Fields and code values that align with the raisin database. Please contact the DonorPerfect Support Team to complete this setup. They will enable a ‘raisin’ checkbox that enables raisin fields to be added to the various DonorPerfect screens. DonorPerfect's support line is: 800-220-8080. 
  3. You have a valid login to the raisin Admin in a System Administrator role. If you are unsure about your role please contact your raisin support account manager who can advise you on who has system administrator access at your organization. They can be reached at 416-323-1981 or 866-766-3336.
  4. If raisin is issuing tax receipts, you must have the receipting section of your gift record enabled in DonorPerfect. You can do so using the DonorPerfect Screen Designer. If you require additional assistance to set this up, please contact your DonorPerfect Support Team.
    Please be sure that a raisin receipt block has been assigned to your account and that it has the unique prefix from your DonorPerfect receipt block.
  5. To avoid duplicate soft credits, configure "Carry over values from the main linked gift(s)"? to "Always". This setting can be found in your DonorPerfect instance in Parameters section under Entry Screens.
  6. If you are accepting recurring donations with our Donations module, ensure that you have completed the required steps in your DonorPerfect account to enable Pledges and the raisin Thank You Letter Code.