What is exported to DonorPerfect?

Constituents who give, fundraise or volunteer on a raisin event are exported to DPO and map to existing DPO fields in Constituent, Gift and Other Info screens.

The raisin fields have been automatically mapped to existing DonorPerfect fields to update the Main Constituent, Gift, and Other Info screens where possible. Custom raisin reference fields have also been added to allow for easy cross-reference between the systems, as well as ensuring that updates to these records can occur.


All participants, donors and volunteers in live events are exported to DonorPerfect. Constituent Profile Information updates the Main Screen, and new Records will automatically create the Constituent record. The following Contact Fields are exported:

  • Donor Type
  • First Name
  • Middle Name
  • Last Name
  • Organization Name (if Organization)
  • Salutation
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Address Type
  • Address
  • City
  • State
  • ZIP/Postal
  • Country
  • Language
  • Birth Date (located under the Bio tab)
  • Receipt Delivery
  • No E-Mail Preference
  • No E-Mail Reason

Note: If you accept Team Donations, a record named with a first name "Team Participant" and last name of the "Team's Name" will be created and donations soft credited to this record.

The custom raisin Narrative field will include other relevant information from raisin where there currently is NOT a match within DonorPerfect or there are limitations that prevent such fields being matched or updated in DonorPerfect. Examples of these are some of the bio fields such as gender, date of birth (if you have these on the raisin forms).

Record Matching

Contacts with the same First Name, Last Name, E-mail or ZIP Code as a historical record in DonorPerfect are automatically merged, and follow an integration-wide duplicate removal logic designed to reduce duplicates.

You can also use DonorPerfect’s Duplicate Removal utility for more extensive de-duping. If you merge a record, the raisin constituent ID will be maintained and we will continue to update the record based on this identifier.

Updated Records will be matched on the raisin constituent ID and updated accordingly.


The transactions will be on the Gift tab with the correct General Ledger, Solicitation, Sub-Solicitation and Campaign codes for that transaction as assigned in raisin. The GL and Campaign Codes are set at the Event or Sub-Event level, and Solicitation and Sub-solicitation Codes are defined at an item level.

Gift screen in DPOFor participants, any donations made to their personal page will also appear in the participant’s Gift tab as a Soft Credit, including self-donations. If the participant registered for free or was registered with a promo code that reduced their purchase to $0.00, a gift will not be created.

The raisin-DonorPerfect Integration adds specific fields and field values into the Gift tab you may not see elsewhere in DPO.

  • raisin Gift ID: This references the raisin transaction and cannot be modified. Any changes to this transaction record in raisin, will automatically update the record in DPO by matching on Gift ID.
  • Thank-You Letter: This is populated with ‘Thank You Raisin’ since raisin has sent out a thank you email directly from the raisin event emails.
  • raisin Gift Narrative: This narrative contains other transaction details.

The Integration does not import custom User Defined Codes, Thank You Letters or Acknowledgment Codes.

Receipt Information

If you have receipts fields enabled in DonorPerfect and a receipt was issued for the gift, in Receipt Information, the status will change to "Receipted" and Acknowledgment Preference will change to "Acknowledge/Receipt". The following raisin-generated receipt information will be populated:

  • Receipt Number
  • Receipt Amount
  • Receipt Date

If receipts are on and the gift is not eligible for a receipt, receipt information will not populate and the Status and Acknowledgement Preferences will be set to "Do Not Receipt" and "Acknowledge/Do Not Receipt" respectively.

If receipts are not turned on in raisin, Status and Acknowledgement Preferences will default to "Not Receipted" and "Do Not Acknowledge/Do Not Receipt".

For ease of use, we strongly recommend taking advantage of the automatic e-tax receipting functionality in raisin.

Tribute Information

Donations and Peer-to-Peer campaigns can be configured to allow tribute donations that are dedicated In Honour or In Memory. 

When a tribute donation is made,  the Tribute Details are populated in the Gift Section with the following:

  • Tribute Type: "In Honour Of" or "In Memory Of", based on the donor's selection
  • Name: As entered by the donor when completing their gift

Record Matching of Tributes

Record matching to existing Tributes occurs automatically when data is synced. If a Tribute with the same Type and Name is found, the integration will match to the Tribute.

If not, the sync will create a new tribute. Notably:

  • When matching a Tribute Name is found but it is inactive, a new Tribute will be created.
  • When matching Tribute Name is found but Type is different (e.g. existing record is "In Honour", whereas the new one is "In Memory"), the sync creates a new Tribute


If the gift being exported is a recurring one, then a Pledge record is created in DPO and the Gift is attached to this Pledge record. For every subsequent donation, the integration will attach the latest gift to their Pledge. 

You can manage the donor's schedule or recurring gifts directly in raisin to update their credit card, amounts, GL Code and their Next Transaction Date. If changes are made to the GL Code (i.e. "Fund"), a new Pledge will be created.

Note: If you intend on accepting recurring donations on our Donations module, ensure you have Pledges available in your DPO account, and configured to accept raisin gifts. Contact your Account Manager if you have any questions or concerns.

Other Info

The Other Info tab contains various raisin specific fields to cross reference with the constituent including Event, Group, and Team related info as well as their raisin Constituent ID. The raisin Constituent ID is enables us to update the record if the record changes in raisin.

Screenshot of Other Info tab for a Participant and DonorClicking on the edit (or pencil) icon will open the raisin Information section of the screen, which contains other relevant event information for that constituent - including:

  • Event Name
  • Team Name
  • Team Goal
  • User Type (i.e. Captain, Participant, Donor, Volunteer)
  • Custom Fields

A new row in Other Info is created for each event the constituent joins, donates or volunteers for. If the user creates multiple profiles in a single event, this will also create unique rows.