What is the payment account in my event? Do I keep it in "Test" or select my own?

We recommend staying within Test Mode when you’re not ready to go live. When you’re ready to go live, then you can switch the payment gateway to your own payment gateway.

Your payment gateway is your payment processor of choice, and from where funds transacted through your events are deposited. Your payment account credentials are established and live in the General Setup section of your account. raisin does directly handle or manage your payment gateway.

Test Mode

When an event is created, we automatically set your payment account to a "System Test" payment account. System Test mode allows you to create test constituents and make donations end-to-end using our Test credit card. Test Mode is ideal for quality assurance as you're building your event sites.

Test Credit Card credentials are as follows:

Credit Card Number: 4242424242424242
Name: {Any name}
Exp. Date: {Any date in the future}

Once the site is ready to launch, switch to the proper account, along with a few other key "go live" steps. After switching to your live gateway, all test transactions will be removed.

While live, only real credit cards can be used to transact. Attempts with the Test credit will be declined.